Former wife cuts off Sukkur man's genitals
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 25-year-old man, Abid Pervaiz, was brought to Jinnah hospital at 1pm on Thursday with severe genital mutilation wounds. Doctors on duty said it was a miracle that the man had survived despite severe bleeding.
According to Mehmoodabad police station’s duty officer SI Mohammad Azeem, Abid hails from Sukkur and was living in Mehmoodabad No. 5 with some distant relatives. He was divorced, but began communicating with his ex-wife again.
The couple decided to meet again and hired a room at the Royal City hotel, where the woman allegedly laced fruit juice with some sleeping pills. When Abid drowsily woke up, he discovered that his penis had been cut off. Azeem says although Abid was still in a state of shock, doctors have somehow managed to save his life.
“Abid told me that before he passed out completely, he heard his former wife speaking to someone on the phone, saying that she had carried out her plan,” the officer says.'
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Why is it that whenever a woman commits the worst act a person can do to another (sexual mutilation), some women commend her? I don't know a single man that would support a man who raped, or worse, mutilated the genitals of a woman! It really speaks volumes as to how much hate these women have for the opposite gender. I just hope all the men out there are smart enough to steer clear of these man-hating beasts who think a man should be castrated for being unfaithful (which isn't even the case here), but a woman shouldn't be punished for sexual mutilation. What an absurdly illogical view of justice!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Here we go again
More monologue material for Sharon Osbourne and all of her mindless ilk. It's amazing how many of these bitchs think this is funny,and even condone it ("you go girl") and they'll be the first ones to cry "sexism" and "double standards" over anything far less about women. All women should be horrified over the mindless demeaning of these men victims.They should be ashamed of these women because it makes all women look like morons,and hypocrites.And as for these "things" that mutilate these men they should be thrown in the deepest hole they can find and rot there for a long long time.
One of the expected copy cat crime
So we see a new fashion emerging, a particular type of violent hate crime, where men are drugged by angry women, and then they have their penises cut off. Catherine Kieu has started a trend. How much further will this go?
I think the media has some culpability here. I'm not just talking about Sharon Osborne and her hateful comments about the Catherine Kieu knife crime. I'm talking about all the newspapers that report these crimes and don't say that it's illegal, immoral, or unjustified. Notice the tone of this report from Pakistan. It's almost as though the media is giving hateful women the playbook... this is how you do it. And words like "it's a miracle that he survived despite severe bleeding" seem to imply that he should have died, for surely he must have done something terrible to deserve such a fate.
Morons and hypocrites?
I don't think so. It shows the women who laugh and cheer at such horrific crimes as sexist perverts and filth. Their not stupid and they are not being hypocrites as they genuinely believe men are sub human creatures to be DRUGGED, RAPED, IMPRISONED, TORTURED AND MUTILATED as a woman sees fit. Just as many hold the belief that it's alright to treat pets or livestock in such a fashion, there is hypocrisy in their way of thinking but they them selves are not being hypocrites because they genuinely believe it's perfectly acceptable behavior.
The other thing I find strange is why no one uses the words RAPIST to describe these women. Why not one of them gets charged with a sex crime when their crimes were in fact the most pure form of sex crime imaginable as the entire point of their attack was to completely destroy another human beings ability to engage in sexual activities. They say when men rape women it is not about sex, it's about power and control. When women RAPE men - and don't for one second believe they don't - it usually is entirely about sex. It's either to satisfy some perversion of the female, or in cases like this it is to destroy another human being sexually.
Odd that in a month you can find multiple cases of a woman raping and mutilating a man, yet you'd have to search high and low over many years for a case of man doing the same to a woman except in movies.
Oh, and to clarify, castration is removal of the testicles not the penis and it's purpose serves to either delay puberty in the case of veil and Italian choir boys, make the animal more docile, or to prevent reproduction. Removal of the penis is simply genital mutilation and serves only the purpose of destroying sexual pleasure and ability to perform sexually. Castrated male have less desire for sex but can still become aroused and perform sexually. Guys without dicks if they still have nuts would still have the same level of desire for sex because they'd still have average male levels of testosterone, but they would have no ability to perform sexually or even stimulate themselves or be stimulated to orgasm by another. Which would you find to be a more torturous state of existence? To have the ability but little desire or to have the desire but no ability? Don't get me wrong, both are bad, but what these women seem t obe doing is the most inhumanly disgusting form of life long torture they can possibly do to another human being. If female rape victims are emotionally scarred for life, what the hell does it make these male rape victims?
Even though I am not the "eye for an eye" kind of justice guy, I would be able to understand where the guy was coming from if any of them happened to bring a gun to court and take justice into their own hands when these women stand trial. I don't condone or endorse it, but I would understand how they feel especially since these women are never even charged with sex crimes or face the stigma of even the most innocent of sex crimes men end up charged with like statutory rape among teens and young adults, or girl got to drunk and regretted it a week later when her girlfriend called her a slut or her boyfriend dumped her type cases.
Why don't we hold these women to the same flames we hold male sexual deviants? What these women do is a sexual deviance and their crimes are purely about sex and they are more horrific then any other form of rape imaginable because not only is the victim forced to endure the terror of being tied up, helplessly tortured and violated, he is also physically destroyed in an irreparable manner. Yet I have yet to find a story that calls one of these women a rapist.
I think the word "rapist" is
I think the word "rapist" is too nice a word to describe this woman. As cruel and vindictive as rapists are, at least they don't destroy the body parts of the victim that identify their gender. I would call her a sexual mutilator, or a sexual torturer.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Oh, I agree
The thing is that in the society we live in rapist is the title that carries the greatest stigma - for man anyway. I totally agree with you that sexual mutilator would be a much more fitting title and if the same type of stigma could be attached to that title then I'd be all for writing a new series of laws to target this type of offender that is almost exclusively female. I'm sure if one were to look hard and long enough one could find an example or two of a man raping and then attempting to mutilate his victims sex organs but that would be the exceptionally rare case compared to how often females engage in such acts. Hell they sell vaginal inserts that are designed to mutilate penises in the name of protecting women against rape. MRAs certainly know far to week how many new laws have been created to deter male sexual deviancy to the point where practically any sexual activity at all a man engages in is potentially a crime.
It's is definitely time for equality and we definitely need to get to a point where women are treated equally when it comes to crime and sentencing.
genital mutilation
I hear of cases of female rape everyday. I even personally know of cases that have left women physically damaged. One has needed several surgeries to repair damage to her genital area and the other is unable to have children as a result. I am friends with these women so they have confided in me, but their stories are not uncommon, just private and they don't discuss it with many people.
Don't get me wrong, I think severing a man's penis is way worse than what happened to these women; but female genital harm that requires surgery and often not fully repairable happens frequently during male on female rape. I know this from personal testimony from women I know and also from working as a nurse and rape victims that come thru the ER.
And of course we have infibulation occurring frequently in Africa which is the most extreme form of FGM which involves removal of the clitoris, vulva, some inner vaginal skin and the vagina is almost sewn shut. The purpose is to control women by taking away sexual desire and enjoyment so they will not seek out sexual partners.
...but I do agree that damage or pain inflicted on a man's genitals should be classified as a sex crime and punished as such.
Indeed, rapists are a life
Indeed, rapists are a life form lower than parasites, and fecal bacteria. I knew that some cases of rape were very brutal, and left physical damage to the victim, but I had no idea that a victim could be rendered childless, or need reconstructive surgery on the genital region.
I agree that actually losing a piece of your genitalia is worse, however. To be able to still perform in sex, but not be able to have children, is still better than being childless and impotent, and feeling like half a man.
Nonetheless, I wish a lynch mob would get all of the despicable beings on planet earth who think it's okay to attack the genitals of another, and make them live through the horrors they inflicted.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!