Another Facebook Page In Support of Catherine Kieu... getting life in prison
Submitted by xtrnl on Mon, 2011-07-25 23:34
How refreshing! The page is here. Kudos to whoever made this in response to the sickening support pages for Catherine Kieu. Description:
'This woman cut off her husband's penis and throws it down garbage disposal. They were going through divorce. Want to read more? Go to http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/13/us-severed-penis-idUSTRE76C3MG20110713
She should be given life jail sentence for what she did. She's an animal and should be treated as such!'
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She's not an animal
She's a woman who decided it was all right for her to poison her estranged husband and cut off his penis. Animals don't do that kind of thing.* Certain women do, though, and many more people of both sexes (but especially women) seem to applaud it and find it at least funny if not downright good every time they hear about it. That's a far scarier world to be living in (especially if you're a man) than one wherein an animal can walk around in the guise of a human.
Really, men laughing at this kind of thing... is there anything weirder than that? It's hard to think of it, but we actually have men like Tony Phillips who think it's funny-- and they write in syndicated columns about how funny it is, too! They can't seem to conceive that they are as vulnerable as the latest victim of a woman's emasculation-knife to having it happen to them and becoming not just a suspect but also a laughing-stock. Could it be they are just so terrified of this happening to them that they try to defend their psyches against it by laughing at it? It's the only thing I can think of.
*I've observed that animals do other pretty horrible things (by our values) but usually only when defending themselves, protecting their young, or trying to get something to eat when they are really, really hungry. But even then, they are not nearly as cruel and coldly calculating as a human can be.
I Concur, Matt
I think to call Catherine Kieu an animal would be a real insult to every animal out there. I know that my pet cats are nothing like her. The worst they'd ever do to a person is bite them, and not even hard enough to draw blood.
Kieu is lower than the bacteria found in fecal matter, lower than a parasite, and lower than any other life form on planet Earth!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!