Nifong Asks State to Take Over Duke Case

Story here. Excerpt:

"Michael B. Nifong, the Durham district attorney, faxed the request to Jim Coman, head of the state attorney general’s special prosecution unit, today, the official said. Mr. Nifong decided he had no choice but to hand off the case because he faces a conflict of interest with ethics charges pending against him for his public comments on the case, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because there has yet to be an official announcement of the request."

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(From the msnbc link) -- --

"Nifong’s attorney insisted the veteran prosecutor was not running from a weak case and said Nifong was disappointed he would not be able to take the matter to trial."

So, as is usual in America, the Land of Litigation, we now have a D.A. (attorney) speaking through his attorney....etc. etc.

It's all about billable hours.

And the Duke lacrosse boys will all soon be sueing in tort for damages in the multi-millions.

Moral of the story?

One cheap piece of psychotic stripper pussy can be an entire enterprise, if properly cultivated.

I hope she sues too ... for a piece of the action she never knew she was creating!

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"It enraged Mary Ellen Finnerty, mother of Collin Finnerty, another indicted player. "I think [I felt] one of the strongest feelings of rage that I've had … I literally had to turn to my husband, because I was shaking from my head to my toe, and say, 'Hold me down,'" recalls Finnerty. Adds Seligmann, "And we had to hold on to each other because when you sit there and put two and two together and realize that it was calculated … set up to make these boys appear to be guilty of something they didn't do."

When asked what they would say to Nifong if he were in the room, Rae Evans, the mother of indicted player David Evans, says, "I would say with a smile on my face, 'Mr. Nifong, you've picked on the wrong families … and you will pay every day for the rest of your life.'"

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I rarely post-on-post(my own); however, I couldn't resist this belated observation...

It's perhaps not just a little bit ironic that this poor, likely drug-addicted, sorry black woman (the "alleged victim") is now, through her identity as social garbage, making a whole lotta white men richer.

Welcome back to Dixieland.... it never left, did it?

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Ms. McElroy is on the trail of the stink at Duke University, and the feminist "88's" ---Duke U. faculty who publicly condemned the falsely accused and launched a campus propaganda campaign in true P.C.-Stalinist mode.

Truly a revealing insight into the Ivory Jungle... and the tenured neo-Marxists who rule.,2933,242688,00.html

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The Duke Lacrosse case is just one more reason the American legal system is the laughing stock of people everywhere, except of course, the gender feminists who've trained the American legal system to so corruptly serve their man-hating ideology.

Our Government Is Looking Out For Men's Rights

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"RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) -- The state attorney general's office agreed Saturday to take over the sexual assault case against three Duke University lacrosse players at the request of the embattled district attorney.

Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong, hamstrung by a flip-flopping witness and dogged by allegations that he made inflammatory statements to the media, asked Attorney General Roy Cooper's office Friday to appoint a special prosecutor."

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This is so typical of the wuss manhole that Nifong is.

He couldn't admit his errors and BS so now he hands the case off to someone else for them to drop the case.

A real wuss. Nothing less.

I hope the families of those boys go after him with a vengence that has never been seen before, and I hope they don't leave out that bitch who filed the phony charges in the first place and Duke University who threw the lacross players under the bus at the first opportunity.

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"The decision by the university to readmit the students, especially just before a critical judicial decision on the case, is a clear use of corporate power, and a breach, I think, of ethical citizenship," former dean Karla Holloway wrote to Duke's black faculty caucus. "Despite our judgments about the prosecutors own lack of principled conduct, it is not ours to become the judge or subvert the process." excerpt from:

It’s “subverting the process” to readmit the students because it implies innocence; however, painting a cloud of guilt over the students’ heads when the first hint of allegations was made is not?!

Left-wing fem-nags lack the ability to admit when they are wrong. Ironically, they are guilty of the very things they protest against; lynch-mob tactics! At the very least, the “Group of 88” should publicly apologize to the students; don’t hold your breath!

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At this point, there are a couple of things that seem obvious. One is that yes, the fact that Nifong is unethical does create a conflict of interest, since clients should be represented by ethical attorneys. Therefore it is appropriate for him to drop the case.

The other thing is, why would anyone be surprised (as evidenced by a post a couple days ago), that the Duke administration and faculty did not "support" the three lacrosse players? Anyone who has ever attended college for any length of time, knows that a student is low man on the totem pole. The trustees are at the top, followed by the president and upper administration, followed by the faculty, followed by staff such as secretaries and janitors, and lastly the students.
That is why, for example, if a janitor throws out a student's Ph. D. thesis by accident, because the student left his library workdesk momentarily to make a phone call, there isn't squat the student can do about it.
Or for example, if there is a group of obnoxious noisy students who talk during the class, any student who complains about the noise to the professor is castigated by the professor, or laughed at..because people who are unfit to be parents, e.g. the parents of the noisy students, "complain" to the department head if a professor tells their kids to shut the fuck up.
Another example is when the president tells members of the Dept. of Psychology faculty, that they WILL make certain findings, when they conduct a study which is funded by industry (such as psychotherapists)..mainly, the findings WILL agree with the favored viewpoint of said therapists.

Anyhow, like I said a couple weeks ago - this thing will develope into a lambasting of Nifong (and hopefully a disbarment), and he himself will become the focus..meanwhile, the stripper will be portrayed as a victim of a rich white Southern attorney, the boys will still be held accountable for "kidnapping" or some other ridiculous charge, and everyone will forget how feminists tried to manipulate the outcome of the case, or otherwise use the situation to their advantage.


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But I guess this is more of a follow-up:) The Duke case is indeed life imitating art - after all, white men are innately evil and responsible for all the world's ills..and as I predict below, they are the ones (the only ones) who will suffer in the Duke case, in the long run. This immitates what we see in the popular media, such as movies. White men are ALWAYS portrayed in a negative light in movies, just exactly like it says in "Spreading Misandry". This bias is so firmly entrenched, I myself do not see any way out.


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Nifong Asks State to Take Over Duke Case

I hope the state someday soon asks the N.C. Department of Corrections to take custody of Nifong. After a fair trial of course!

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"why would anyone be surprised (as evidenced by a post a couple days ago), that the Duke administration and faculty did not "support" the three lacrosse players?"

I've seen this type of reasoning before, and my response is always the same - surprise is not the same as outrage.

To draw a parallel, we were not surprised when Saddam was torturing his citizens and POWs, but we were definitely outraged about it. Just because something happens all the time does not mean it is right.

And just because the TV spews forth misandry all day doesn't mean we can't get outraged about it.

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But the way I remember it, somebody used the word "surprised" about Duke not being supportive, not outraged. The two words have totally different meanings.

Also my post in no way suggests that we shouldn't be outraged by misandry..come to think of it, what the heck are you talking about?? Maybe there is excess dust on your computer screen, obliterating some of the words in my post.


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Rats are always the first to leave a sinking ship...

...and as a rat he is trying to jump off the ship by handing off this travesty of a case to anyone stupid enough to take it.

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