UK push for girl power on Boards of Directors

Article here. Excerpt:

'LONDON - The UK government published a code of conduct drawn up by executive-search firms aimed at boosting the number of women on company boards, including a recommendation that 30 per cent of candidates be female.

“When presenting their long lists, search firms should ensure that at least 30 per cent of the candidates are women — and, if not, should explicitly justify to the client why they are convinced there are no other qualified female options,” according to the voluntary guidelines announced on Friday by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in London.

Nineteen leading headhunting firms have pledged to sign up to the code for future boardroom appointments, the BIS said. Among the signatories are Korn/Ferry Whitehead Mann, the UK arm of Korn/Ferry International.

A panel led by Mervyn Davies, the ex-chairman of Standard Chartered Plc, recommended in February that companies in the UK’s benchmark FTSE 100 index should double the proportion of women on their boards to 25 per cent. It said shareholders should hold companies to account if they fail to appoint more women.'

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It matters not if she has no idea at all about the subject matter of the business. "Will she take the job and does she have an MBA? She's hired!"

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and has been going on for decades. affirmative action hiring practices have infected
all areas of our society. probably explains a lot about why so many companies are
choosing to move somewhere else. it doesn't work, never has, never will. want an example?

take any sport, say baseball. title ix has now been determined to cover pro sports.
so now we must field as many women as men to reflect society. how long does anybody believe baseball would last? who would spend good $$ to see it, unless they spiced it up a bit,
maybe very revealing uniforms for the women? even then, you can see that anywhere, for free.

basketball? football? any sport with lots of $$ paid to players. it is the same with commerce. no matter how much you cover for EE's w/o proper credentials, it will fail. we started this nightmare in the 80's. we saw it in college. they were giving grades to unqualified minority/women students in male dominated studies even then. we made jokes about it behind their backs, and still do.

eventually we reap what we sow. other countries don't have to compete under these conditions. government at every level is trying to destroy our country's ability to compete on a world stage, and doing so very successfully.

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