Woman Throws Husband's Penis in Disposal: Hey, While You're At It ...
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-07-20 22:06
Article here. Excerpt:
'If I had a nickel for every time my wife threatened to knock me out, cut off my penis and throw it in the garbage disposal...
I heard the news yesterday. Well actually I overheard it. Some gals around the office were chortling about the husband in Garden Grove whose wife doped his victuals, strapped him to the bed, hacked off his willy with a carving knife and chucked the severed member in the disposal because "he deserved it." I didn't learn the details of the story until I got home last night and it seemed to me such a grizzly thing oughtn't to provoke workplace giggles, but ought or not, there's a good dose of funny about it.'
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HuffPost Censors Won't Let Me Speak!
I posted a comment on the article, but they refused to post it. What a surprise.
It read:
Here's yet another man who's stabbed his own gender in the back! If you think what happened to him is so funny, then you should hope something similar will happen to you. Then you'd have a funny story to tell for the rest of your life! What is society coming to? People out there need to grow some maturity, morality, and sympathy for men!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
That was a perfectly reasonable comment IMO, but The Huffpost is as much a part of the "mainstream media", at least ideoligically, as any newspaper or network news station.
You're perfectly right with your comment. How would this idiot like something like that to happen to him? And the commenters who say "he deserved it" are as bad as those who say rape victims "deserve" what happened to them.
Society is getting more and more sick and mean-spirited. If people can laugh at someone having part of their anatomy cut off, regardless of gender, then we seem to be heading to a very dark place. It doesn't bode well for the future that's for sure...
Thanks, sirprince.
Thanks, sirprince. Huffpost knows I'm right too, which is why they won't post it. I even tried submitting it again, and the "pending comment" disappeared.
I agree that when people can laugh about what pretty much constitutes every man's worst nightmare taking place in real life, it's evidence that the direction the world is headed in needs to change.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
For safekeeping...
So far they have let me in. We'll see.
I've been involved in advocacy for victims of sexual abuse for a decade. There is nothing unusual about the treatment of this man. Even young boys abused by women are mocked and shamed. In particular many women demonstrate extraordinary sadism as this event and many previous have shown.
It's not a matter of "could" Tony. I've seen it time and again in all shapes and sizes. The male, man or boy, who is hurt by a woman is stripped of his masculinity and thus is no longer human. He does not do this to himself. It is you, HuffingtonPost and the likes of Sharon Osbourne, Wendy Williams and many more who choose to treat him as a thing, an object. A weakened scapegoat for the sins of others whom you can kick at will. You may as well. He's not exactly in a position to defend himself, is he?
I'd add that I doubt we'll ever "find out one way or another". He will probably sink below the attention waterline as the next opportunity for a two minute hate beckons.
gwallan, I read your comment. 100% correct in what you said. But what struck me scrolling through the article is that it was listed under "Comedy". Yes, comedy. So it's official. A "mainstream" news/current affairs website can literally make a man having his penis cut off a source of fun.
Yes society is officially f***ed.
I totally agree with sirprince. I was also disgusted at the fact that this article was under "comedy."
Good post, gwallan! I'm surprised they actually posted it. It also seems you've put Tony at a loss for words.
People's reaction to this incident is a good determiner of what level of morality they possess. Those who laugh have preconventional morality (right and wrong is based on what you can and can't get away with), those who express only a little sympathy possess conventional morality (right and wrong is based on society's laws), those who are disgusted by what happened and wish Catherine Kieu would be put to death for it possess postconventional morality (right and wrong is based on everybody's God-given right to individual human rights).
Few people make it to postconventional morality. I'm proud to see that everybody here possesses it.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Hit or miss
My comments are hit or miss whether they get posted. Anything even remotely critical of the author has not gotten through. For example, in one of the authors replies, he stats:
"SickeninglĀy enough, a part of me actually hopes he did deserve it, otherwise some unfortunatĀe guy with bad prenuptial discretion lost his best friend for no good reason."
my response:
I too am curious what possible act Tony would feel would warrant making that man a eunuch? What act justifies, if not legally, then at least morally, the act of drugging someone, and then cutting off their member and grinding it up? What makes such an assault become acceptable enough to mock and blame the victim and cheer the assailant?
I also find it rather disturbing that, even if this guy didn't do anything wrong, Tony still lays some of the blame for having "bad prenuptial discretion". last I checked, that kind of victim blaming was unacceptable, at least when applied to rape victims (or is this less serious then rape?).
Well Said!
Wow. Good comment, Kratch! Tony would never let that get posted, because it would expose him for the immoral monster he really is.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
I edited extensively
I was quite gentle with them actually. I wrote longer posts from which I removed some fairly pointed criticisms.
Absolutely right those who point to the "comedy" heading. It's why I couldn't refrain from my one direct inclusion of Tony Phillips and HuffPost in my hitlist.
Phillips and HuffPost have simply joined in the common mocking of the hurt man.
In tribal genocides it is the men who attack the enemy. However it is often the women who finish off the wounded foes, a task rarely performed gently. Hope like hell the enemy doesn't give you to their women.
We've been witness to repeated demonstrations that this spirit is alive and well in many women to this day.
Anarchy and feminism
Many feminists, particularly the 1st and 2nd wavers would self-identify as anarchists. By this they appear to believe in a society in which people (or more properly women) are free of external heirarchy and are able to govern themselves and support each other.
In this case re. the arguments over what the victim could have done to deserve having his penis cut off I see a chilling glimpse of how such an anarcho-feminist society could work. It would be a society in which women are free to take justice in their own hands without any reference to what an external agency (the courts, police etc) would think.
I don't know if Ms Kieu is a self-identified feminist and I don't care but some of the triangulations some commentators in the media are already using to justify this woman's actions leave me wondering if this could be an example of anarcho-feminist thinking at work.
Interetsing take
Anarchy is fine for women as regards their behavior toward men, but law and order must be applied to men at all times. Not too much unlike the mindset of the KKK vis-a-vis whites and blacks. The comparisons between feminist thinking and racist thinking have been made many times and seem very relevant, but I had never heard the comparison made quite in this way-- ie, introduction of the concept of anarchy applied to it all. More food for thought I guess.
Indeed the analogy of what
Indeed the analogy of feminist thinking regarding what men and women deserve as punishment for their crimes is similar to racist thinking. Feminists believe a man deserves castration for raping a woman, but they believe that women deserve no punishment for sexually mutilating a man, a crime far worse than rape (just look at all of Lorena and Catherine's feminist supporters).
This ridiculously biased mentality is quite similar to what the KKK believed blacks and whites deserved for committing crimes.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!