CNN: Would female leaders solve debt crisis?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Odds are that if there were more women in these discussions, the crisis would have been resolved by now.
Women use both sides of their brain more effectively and thus are naturally hardwired to be better communicators, more creative problem solvers and in moments of stress, less likely to walk out of meetings -- debt-ceiling variety and others -- than men.

Furthermore, testosterone not only prompts a fight-or-flight response to stress, it suppresses oxytocin, the hormone that encourages bonding and positive social behavior.
Nearly 85% of the people in Congress are men. So if you ever wonder why these debt ceiling negotiations appear to have an inordinate amount of chest-pounding and tree spraying, that number -- more than the $14 trillion we owe -- seems like the best place to start.'

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...this article is eliciting. But in a sense I do agree with the general idea that there are clearly more men, a lot more men, in Congress than women, and that that is a bit unusual given how much more women are represented now in so many other fields of endeavor. But elected office is about who runs and then who gets elected, not about gender. There are more men in Congress because men are willing to assume the burdens of office more readily than women and that is just a plain fact. Holding an office at that level requires constant travel, giving up free and family time to be present at endless meetings and conferences and to deal with constituents-- etc., etc., etc. Most women who could be elected as Congressoids simply don't want to give up all that time to do the job. It isn't like both major parties aren't beating the bushes trying to get women to run for these offices. It is simply that many just don't want to do so. In fact what is telling is that when women do run for these offices they tend to do much better than male counterparts at getting elected simply because they are women. I.e., people make the false assumption that they will be more pure and all as elected representatives, when anyone with a brain that isn't fogged over by nymphotropism knows that politics is inherently corrupting and that ANYONE in a higher political office will get sullied by it, yet even women. So while the author of this article is complaining about the lack of women in Congress, maybe he should point the blame more toward where it belongs: eligible women themselves.

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I think this is because people are catching on to the fact the men who are in politics work for the good of all, while women work for the good of women. Whenever I read this pseudo-scientific non-sense about women being more intelligent, or more "democratic" then men, I often ask: "So are men and boys good at anything?" I think men are pretty smart, and use alot of their brains, seeing how men invented writing, mathmatics, science, democracy, freedom, human rights, and every other single thing that exists, except for perhaps false-accusations. Men's brains function better and on a higher level, no matter what the femi-facist pseudo-scientists say. Men's bodies are stronger, men are more intelligent, men have deeper emotions and more creative imaginations, and men are more democratic. It's like women are using lies, sex, media, and pseudo-science to destroy democracy, and then jumping in in the sexist hate they have created, giving birth to this new non-sense femi-facist ideology about women, based on pseudo-scientific, popular-mind media-trash science.

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The truth is, both genders are useful. Men just tend to bring certain skills to the table, while women bring other skills to the table. To say that one is better than the other at being a leader, is like saying that a hammer is better than a saw. Neither is better, unless you have a task that's better for a hammer to handle, or one that's better for a saw. I imagine that in the political arena there would be areas men tend to be better at, as well as areas women be better at.

It's too bad that on top of every article like this being condescending and stereotyping of both men and women, they also fail to acknowledge that the lack of women in office is due to female apathy towards becoming politicians. The only thing stopping women from running for office is women.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I seriously doubt if women make as good as politicians as men in general.This is generally speaking in my opinion. There are many male politicians however who are totally incompetent and corrupt and many female politicians who are competent and not corrupt,but generally speaking men make better poilticians,this is again in just my opinion. But I think female's have a certain advantage over males in politics because of the political correctness factor and the use of the "gender card" ploy. Male politicians have to walk on "egg shells" when disagreeing or even discussing in public about their female counterparts because she'll use the old ploy and cry "sexism". There are female polititicians who "use" their gender as a weapon for gains.Many women politicians and their supporters have no problem with crying sexism,because they can use the victim "motive" to gain sympathy and publicity.

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