TV show "The Talk" - Talk News: Woman Cuts Off Husband's Private Part

Video here*. Do you even know this hatred towards men is being aired on national television?

What's Men's Activism doing about it?

*Update: CBS has taken their clip off-line. This is of course because they are too cowardly to show the world what sleaze-bags they are. But we know what sleaze-bags they are and they cannot hide from us, so here is another place you can find the disgusting clip. (The first 4:45 of the clip is commentary; the actual offensive material starts at that point.)
Update 2: With this update I point you to another YT clip from A Voice For Men radio with the offending scene as well as some outstanding commentary. Listen and learn about how hundreds of these mutilations go on every year and are largely unpublicized.

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Make copious use. Here was my comment:

'I saw The Talk discussion regarding the recent case of a woman cutting off her husband's penis and throwing it in a garbage disposal. It's in the YT CBS channel at

It is incredible to me that such a disgusting display of indulgent violent sexism has been sponsored by your network. Need I even go into the double-standards applied and the disgusting application of humor to this situation that these women indulged in? To say that they need to be taken to task by CBS management is an understatement and trust me when I tell you, what little interest I had in watching TV generally has been diminished all the more. The Talk and CBS should be well and truly ashamed of themselves.'

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If you look at the demeanor of the women, you can tell that they are mostly very uneasy about this talk. I believe that they all know that this is hate-speech, yet they all join in and urge the others to continue. Only near the end of the segment does the woman in the white and red shirt chime in with the double-standard sexist remark, bringing the other women back to earth.

It outrages me that some of the women think that such a violent act is justified in some cases. I don't think you would find a group of men agreeing that cutting off a woman's breast would ever be justified. Women seem to be much more into revenge than men. For example, the perpetrator in this case said "he deserved it."

Again we see women setting themselves up as the prosecutor, judge, jury, jailer, and executioner of men. When it comes to moral issues, in general, women think they know better than men, and this is a pervasive problem, many men act as though this is true. When it would be appropriate to use violence to right a perceived wrong, that is a moral issue.

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" can tell that they are mostly very uneasy about this talk..."

No excuses. What they do here is "hate speech", only it would be considered so if it were not aimed at a man or men in general. They have no rationalization for their behavior. The woman who complained about it as being sexist damned with faint praise, as it were. Anyone brave enough to get in front of a camera on TV is also brave enough to get up and walk away from said camera. Any woman with a conscious at that table should have immediately said her piece about what was going on when it was plain and obvious and walked off the stage. It was the only right thing to do and all of them failed to do it.

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Anyone on that panel with enough moral standards would've either made a stand and shut down the topic or left. Don't forget the producers who did not squash this topic before the show was even produced. And don't forget the people who made the call to broadcast the show.

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This is so sick, I could not even finish watching the whole clip. Remember it was Sharon Osbourne that casually mentioned cutting off a penis to get back at a cheating spouse before this incident occurred.

Now she openly says it is funny.

I am at a loss for words, but I will try to come up with some to write to CBS

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what if a man said something like
women get breast cancer a lot, hahahhahahahaha? or
women get ovarian cancer too, and that's just hysterical?

what, offended much? hahahahahahahah


hey guys, this isn't rare reaction by atypical women, listen to those loons in the audience.
this is really how most of them view us, until it touches them, like it happening to their sons.
let's all get married to them and let the misery, slavery and payments begin.

no apology will do, not that we would expect one to be forthcoming.

reminds me of how the roman's treat and act toward their slaves in movies.

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I just came accross this from May 2011:

"Former Good Morning America executive producer Susan Winston will be taking over CBS’ daytime talk show The Talk as executive producer... In addition to Winston, Sara Gilbert, who developed The Talk, also serves as an executive producer along with John Redmann."

However Susan Winston quit after only two weeks, so she could not have produced this. (found this out after I posted -so this is an edit)

FYI - Sara Gilbert played "Darlene", the daughter in the Rosanne Barr sitcom show (I think it was just titled "Rosanne"). She is a well known lesbian.

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Here is my letter to CBS (I took some words and inspiration from some of the men that posted previously on this topic - hope you don't mind):

The only thing I can conclude about the recent segment of "The Talk" where the subject was about the man who's wife cut off his penis was that the subject was to be used as a source of comedy (aired on July 14th).

Sharon Osbourne was prophetic as just days before the penis severing incident she mentioned on TV that if a man cheats his penis should be cut off. Now that penis severing has actually happened she describes it as "hilarious" and even does some hand motions to add to the 'humor'.

Would anyone at CBS be allowed to make public jokes if a woman had been attacked in such a way (i.e. cutting off her clitoris and mutilating her vagina)?

The next time a woman is brutally attacked where her genitals are mutilated I hope Sharon and the others will remember how funny it is. I will be expecting a whole segment devoted to joking about the woman's predicament.

However, I will never watch this show again or any of the female panel members. They have absolutely disgusted me with their comments and behavior related to this subject.

Please respond to me, by letting me know who produced this and allowed it to air as it was absolutely disgusting and I would like to put a name to the blame; and I hope CBS is considerring termination for him or her or at the very least a public apology for having such little respect for men and male anatomy.

Shame on CBS for airing such sexist gender-hating trash when you know dam well you would never air such a segment if the genders were reversed!

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The following link provides details of 15 cases of penis-severing. I believe this act is so outrageous, so discriminatory, so much an illustration of the double standard between the sexes, that it makes a good rallying-cry for the mens' rights movement.

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Does anyone know if complaining to the FCC would do any good? I believe they are the agency that regulates decency on TV and radio and hands out fines when TV or radio people do or say offensive stuff.

Perhaps we should persuade them to look into the matter and dish out a fine. Any thoughts?

(FCC = Federal Communications Commission)

Scroll down and you can click on "Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues" which includes obscene or indecent programs.

If anyone else feels like doing the same, just remember the show is called "The Talk" it airs on CBS and it was a segment on the 7-14-2011 episode (mid way thru the program). "The Talk" airs at 2 PM in the Eastern time zone and at 1 PM Pacific and Central time zones.

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I made this story "stick" to the top of all other stories again since MANN is getting multiple submissions on this item and there seems to be a lot of energy around wanting CBS to know just how offensive this whole display of misandry is. So... HAVE AT IT!

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Weird. I posted on this story before, but my post isn't here. Oh well.

Anyway, I tried to watch the clip, but it wouldn't work. I guess CBS doesn't want Canadians to know how tasteless they are. Instead I found one of "Chapin's Inferno" a show by an MRA, talking about the clip we are discussing. He described Sharon's actions of mimicking the garbage disposal, as well as the comments of "that will teach him" and "I would have fed it to the dog."

Unbelievably disgusting! You can rest assured that CBS and the FCC, and the CRTC will be getting an angry letter from me.

"I think it's time to bite the head off of one more bat, Ozzy!"
-Chapin's Inferno

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Dear CBS,

My girlfriend and I were recently made aware of a segment from the July 14, 2011 airing of 'The Talk'. In this segment, the female hosts made one tasteless joke after another about the recent tragic incident in which Catherine Becker Kieu poisoned and mutilated her husband, effectively ruining his life. We are both deeply sickened by this display of immorality and insensitivity. How anybody could joke about this truly vile violation of a person's human rights is beyond me. I can only conclude that the producers of 'The Talk' and its hosts have no moral fibre whatsoever.

We highly suggest that appropriate apologies are made to the victim of this crime, and to every decent human being who saw that segment and were horrified at the insensitivity shown.

If a man had ever committed a similar atrocity against his wife, no one, man or woman, would ever have the nerve to air jokes about it. And if any man ever did, he would be rightfully ostracized from the entertainment industry. In a just world, the hosts of this show would never work again.

These unbelievable, tasteless comments are inexcusable and I hope that your network has the decency to take the appropriate actions to rectify this wrongdoing.

In closing, I would also like to mention that children may have been traumatized by this violent display of sexism, as this show is aired during the day. I hope that in the future you will have the decency to not make light of crimes worse than rape and murder combined, regardless of what gender the victim is!

My girlfriend's also going to write them.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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... on this item. I never saw one specifically from you though, honest.

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This is really getting beyond a joke now. NOT that it was ever a joke to begin with, of course...

"Wendy Williams has a wicked sense of humor.

"The talk show host, who was caught by photographers Wednesday night at Boa, was asked about the California woman who cut off her husband’s penis and put it in a garbage disposal.

"The Dancing with the Stars alum joked, ”It was more efficent than throwing it in a field where they could pick it up. If you’re going to do it — do it properly.”

You’ve gotta love a woman who’s all about etiquette."

Sickening comments and just as sickening reporting of said comments!


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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I like the fact Matt is keeping this story at the top of the page. This will get at least 100 comments.

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The godfather of heavy metal has been reduced to a timid man slave.

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The empty headed comments,and the laughing and joking and sneering about the mutilation of that man on that trashy daytime TV shit show goes way beyond "bad taste" But proves once again the entire double standard mentality in all facets of the media. We have been "conditioned" with years of daily propaganda in the media to except this outrageous and unfair kind of double standard. Sure there will be some men who will be rightfully outraged by this despicable conduct and maybe even a couple hundred men will contact the network and express their thougts...But sadly our numbers will be just a "drop in the bucket" compared to the millions of "screaming" females" the network would receive had anything far less had been said about a woman. The media allows this kind of crap because it sells,and they can !! plan and simple. There's not enough men who will actively do anything about this travesty,and Kudo's to the men (and women) who try to change this injustice. But until the "numbers" of outraged people start increasing, this kind of mindless double standard BS will continue, and media will be giving us the finger all the way to the bank..

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At first I missed this important detail because I did not read the whole Sharon Osbourne article that was posted before the actual crime. I didn't realize she specifically mentioned a garbage disposal when mentioning that men deserve to have their penises cut.

In case anyone else missed it, here is a time-line of what occurred:

ETonline reports on their webpage on June 26,2011 that Osbourne made these public comments about Arnold Schwartzenegger:

"I would have chopped his willy (penis) off. Arnie's willy would have been down the disposal unit spinning around, that's where it'd be - and I'd make her clean it up. That mop would have been wrapped around her head."

And the actual penis-severing on the poor man happened on or about July 12th and we all know it was premeditated and she put it in the disposal.

Then on July 14 Osbourne is on her show "The Talk" laughing about the whole incident

To me there is no question that Osbourne's original comment gave this women the idea to do what she did..

Why aren't more media outlets aware of Osbourne's comments and her influence on this case?

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Thank you Kris for pointing out Sharon Osbourne's connection to the crime...
this brings up some very interesting questions about the effect of the media.
Is the media indirectly encouraging these crimes because it airs comments
such as these? Could they be legally held accountable as an accomplice, or
at least as encouraging or assisting in crime? I think we should seriously
advance this question, and scare the media into a position of thinking twice
about airing such comments. If money talks, and that's the reason why they
would air such comments in the first place (a large number of women viewers),
then the prospect of losing a lot of money in a civil lawsuit or criminal prosecution
should also cause them to pay attention. Where are the lawyers on this?

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Even though I personaly like "Redwoodwriter's idea of legally challenging the netwoks for allowing this kind of double standard trash to be aired,I doubt if there was anything said or done that can be considered illegal...It's not even considered to be political incorrect by these days twisted and bias standards. This is because in my opinion the conscious systematic daily propaganda and brainwashing to the public in the media...Put simply, it's politically correct to trash men...but politically incorrect and horrifying to say anything negative even when it's true about women in anyway.This to me is evident everywhere, even in politics where sometimes female politicians will "use" their gender as a weapon to potray themselfs as a victim of sexism, They know womens groups with members that number in the millions and the media will jump to their defense,thus getting all sorts of attention and publicity.

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To keep all links together. I am re-posting them ("The Talk" took the clip off their website):

New link to offensive clip:

CBS online complaint form:

FCC online complaint form**:

At FCC site scroll down and you can click "Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues" which category includes "obscene or indecent programs". That will start you on an online complaint form.

**I may not have all my facts correct or be using the right terminology, but I believe the FCC has the authority to fine broadcasting companies, each individual TV station and individual producers and actors for airing indecent material. So if the situation is deserving of a fine, we could be talking about a very long list of people and stations that would have to pay up (doesn't each major city have it's own CBS affiliate station? - They each could potentially be fined).

It doesn't look good when you try to re-new a show when your show was responsible for fines that stations had to pay for airing your show.

The FCC has an online complaint form, however it asks alot of questions. Here is some info you will need:

Name of show: The Talk
Network: CBS
Air date: July 14, 2011
USA Time: 1 PM Pacific and Central Time Zones, 2 PM Eastern time zone

They will also ask for your local channel and local station that airs CBS, but I beleive you can leave it blank as this is a national show.

I am sure the show airs in Canada, does anyone know if there is a Canadian equivalency to the FCC? .

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Sharon Osborne: "I simply cannot believe the sexist attacks that all these anti-feminists are posting to my wall. It's sad when a woman expressing her view on air makes her a target for such vicious attacks. Shame on all of you. I'm contacting the moderation staff of this page now."

Said as a reaction to FB reactions, to her performance on "The Talk." They all (including Ms. Osborne) thought it was funny that a wife drugged her husband, and mutilated his genitals.

What shocking...breathtaking hypocrisy,

Ms. Osborne. How would you feel if some woman did this to your son? Would it be funny then, too? If I were your husband, I would be sleeping alone, behind a locked door.

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I'm not sure if Sara Gilbert has a Facebook page or not, but if she does some of you might want to drop her some comments.

She is co-creator of the show and serves as executive producer.

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A couple days ago I found a video of a man on youtube performing a song called "Neuter your pets and husbands - Becker Kieu's attorney". The info about the video contained other tasteless comments like "I heard she's hiring Lorena to be her attorney", "he's crazy about the becker vs. pecker trial", and "every man wants to know what the last thing he said to her was, so we don't say it to our wives!".

I posted an angry comment, the gist of which was me asking him how he could stab his gender in the back like that as well as how he could laugh at a truly disgusting violation of a person's human rights.

His response:
you have no sense of humor,,jay leno, letterman,,jimmy kimmel, have all made jokes about becker, just like they did lorena bobbitt,,,, no one makes jokes about casey anthony because that was tragic,,, the idea that a wife would pull a lorena bobbit is BIZARRE, people make jokes about these types of things for centuries, for example people make abe lincoln dying jokes regulary, but not for a number of years after the death,, ps I guess you do not have any talent at anything except typing and maybe masturbating

I was going to reply to this by posting another comment assuring him that not finding sexual mutilation funny doesn't mean I have no sense of humor. Also, I planned on letting him know that I'm actually an artist much more talented than him. I can write and produce hip hop, and I'm also going to audition for season 1 of Canada's Got Talent. You'll likely see me on there.

But guess what? The video has been removed already! I guess I wasn't the only one that was brutally offended. YouTube did the right thing!

BTW, the Canadian equivalent to the FCC is the CRTC (Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission). I'll try to find a feedback form and get back to you guys. Kris is right. The show is aired in Canada too, on Global and CityTv as well, I think.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Just maybe were not as powerless as I Thought...I just heard an apology (of sorts) on the shit show "The Talk" and the moron Osbourne say "she didn't mean to laugh at the mutilation of anyone's genitals.This to me is BS and feeble and not near enough of an apology.....But it's better then nothing, and a sure sign that we can change the bias double standards in the media and everywhere else if we stick together and keep growing in our numbers,and stop excepting the shit end of the stick.Thumbs up to everyone who actively protested the despicable comments said on that crap show. I think they were forced to at least some extent to acknowledge their misandrist insensitivity.

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Sorry for this long. But here is a copy/paste of FCC policy taken from their webpage:

Obscenity, Indecency and Profanity

It’s Against the Law

It is a violation of federal law to air obscene programming at any time. It is also a violation of federal law to air indecent programming or profane language during certain hours. Congress has given the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) the responsibility for administratively enforcing these laws. The FCC may revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture or issue a warning if a station airs obscene, indecent or profane material.

Obscene Broadcasts Are Prohibited at All Times

Obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution and cannot be broadcast at any time. The Supreme Court has established that, to be obscene, material must meet a three-pronged test:
•An average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
•The material must depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law; and
•The material, taken as a whole, must lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

Indecent Broadcast Restrictions

The FCC has defined broadcast indecency as “language or material that, in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory organs or activities.” Indecent programming contains patently offensive sexual or excretory material that does not rise to the level of obscenity.

The courts have held that indecent material is protected by the First Amendment and cannot be banned entirely. It may, however, be restricted in order to avoid its broadcast during times of the day when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience.

Consistent with a federal indecency statute and federal court decisions interpreting the statute, the Commission adopted a rule that broadcasts -- both on television and radio -- that fit within the indecency definition and that are aired between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. are prohibited and subject to indecency enforcement action.

Profane Broadcast Restrictions

The FCC has defined profanity as “including language so grossly offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to amount to a nuisance.”

Like indecency, profane speech is prohibited on broadcast radio and television between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.

Enforcement Procedures and Filing Complaints

Enforcement actions in this area are based on documented complaints received from the public about obscene, indecent or profane material. FCC staff will review each complaint to determine whether it contains sufficient information to suggest that there has been a violation of the obscenity, indecency or profanity laws. If it appears that a violation may have occurred, the staff will start an investigation, which may include a letter of inquiry to the broadcast station.

If the description of the material contained in the complaint is not sufficient to determine whether a violation of the statute or FCC rules regarding obscene, indecent and profane material may have occurred, FCC staff will send the complainant a dismissal letter explaining the deficiencies in the complaint and how to have it reinstated. In such a case, the complainant has the option of re-filing the complaint with additional information, filing either a petition for reconsideration, or, if the decision is a staff action, an application for review (appeal) to the full Commission.

If the facts and information contained in the complaint suggest that a violation of the statute or FCC rules regarding obscenity, indecency and profanity did not occur, FCC staff will send the complainant a letter denying the complaint, or the FCC may deny the complaint by public order. In either situation, the complainant has the option of filing either a petition for reconsideration or, if the decision is a staff action, an application for review (appeal) to the full Commission.

If the FCC determines that the complained-of material was obscene, indecent and/or profane, it may issue a Notice of Apparent Liability (NAL), which is a preliminary finding that the law or the FCC's rules have been violated. Subsequently, this preliminary finding may be confirmed, reduced or rescinded when the FCC issues a Forfeiture Order.


In making obscenity, indecency and profanity determinations, context is key. The FCC staff must analyze what was actually aired, the meaning of what was aired and the context in which it was aired. Accordingly, the FCC asks complainants to provide the following information:
•Information regarding the details of what was actually said or depicted during the broadcast.
The complainant may choose the format for providing the information, but it must be sufficiently detailed so that the FCC can determine the words or language used, or the images or scenes depicted during the broadcast and the context of those words, language, images or scenes. Subject matter alone is not sufficient to determine whether material is obscene, indecent or profane. For example, stating only that the objectionable programming “discussed sex” or had a “disgusting discussion of sex” is not sufficient. Moreover, the FCC must know the context when analyzing whether specific, isolated words or images are obscene, indecent or profane. The FCC does not require complainants to provide tapes or transcripts in support of their complaints. Consequently, failure to provide a tape or transcript of a broadcast, in and of itself, will not lead to automatic dismissal or denial of a complaint. Nonetheless, a tape or transcript is helpful in processing a complaint and, if available, should be provided.

•The date and time of the broadcast.
Under federal law, if the FCC assesses a monetary forfeiture against a broadcast station for violation of a rule, it must specify the date the violation occurred. Accordingly, it is important that complainants provide the date the material in question was broadcast. Indecent or profane speech that is broadcast between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. is not actionable. Consequently, the FCC must know the time of day that the material was broadcast.

•The call sign, channel, or frequency of the station involved.
To take enforcement action for the airing of prohibited material, the FCC must be able to identify the station that aired the material. By providing the call sign, channel or frequency of the station, you will help us to quickly and efficiently process your complaint. The name of the program, DJ, personality, song or film; network; and city and state where you heard or saw the program are also helpful.

Any documentation you provide to the FCC about your complaint becomes part of the FCC’s records and may not be returned.

How to File a Complaint

There is no charge for filing a complaint with the FCC. You can file your complaint using an online complaint form. You can also file a complaint by calling 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) voice, 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322) TTY; faxing 1-866-418-0232; or writing to:

Federal Communications Commission
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division
445 12th St., SW
Washington, DC 20554.

The best way to provide all the information the FCC needs to process your complaint is to complete fully the online complaint form. When you open the online complaint form, you will be asked a series of questions that will take you to the particular section you need to complete.

If you are submitting a video tape, DVD, CD or other type of media with your complaint, please send it to the following address to avoid mail processing damage.

Federal Communications Commission
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division
9300 East Hampton Drive
Capitol Heights, MD 20743

For More Information

For more information regarding obscene, indecent, or profane broadcasts, visit the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau website. For a list of the Commission’s recent enforcement actions in this area, visit Finally, for information about other telecommunications issues, visit the FCC’s Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau website, or contact the FCC using the information provided for filing a complaint.

Print Out

Obscenity, Indecency and Profanity Guide (pdf)

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... there is no reason for anyone new to this story to not write in and let them know what they think of the whole disgusting event. CBS and The Talk deserve a lot of heat for a good long time over this and nothing short of COPIOUS and *sincere* apologies would even begin to change my stand on them. I see no reason to unpin this story from the top of MANN for at least the next week.

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Excellent...I think to keep this story on top is a great idea. Keep the pressure on and just maybe they and others will think twice before they "pull" their misandric crap....

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this reminds me of a sick day in the 90's watching daytime women worship t.v., donahue i believe. the show was about grown women
having sex with very young boys. they had the same type audience as this one, except there were some guys in there.
the entire audience seemed to believe it was perfectly o k for women to have sex with little boys. even the men said it was
good for the boys. practically no one in the audience wanted to protect the boys. the host was appalled.
i was fit to be tied. afterwards he actually lectured the audience about right and wrong.

at that time there were practically no women being arrested for this crime. i heard a woman say the other day that
women don't hardly ever commit crimes, as there are far fewer in jail than men.

yeah. that's it.

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Take a look at the links. There seems to be talk of Ms. Osbourne leaving "The Talk" TV show.

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I have never been more disgusted at anything in my life then the misandry on the show "The Talk." I don't watch the show. Indeed, I find the vast majority of television sickening. I couldn't even watch the whole video clip, it was so disgusting. I don't know what to say. I hope that someday the genital mutilation and psychological and emotional torture of boys and men in the U.S. and Canada won't be considered normal, or evoke laughter from a room full of women anymore. If a dogs penis was cut off, it would evoke a more humane response than when it happens to a man. Please, treat men as equal to dogs. Maybe scratch a homeless man behind the ears and tell him he's good - it will probably be the only decent thing another human being has done for him his whole life.

Also, I made pamphlets about the feminist silencing of the discourse concerning the female sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse of men and boys, and female pedophilia, printed them off, and spread them around the feminist faculty I am working at. At least one of the women there is obviously a child abusing, emotionally abusing psychopath, but for women this is not a problem. My next pamphlet might be about how in any discussion of psychopathy of sociopathy, all the examples are men, even though females with anti-social disorders and false conciousness/memory probably far outnumber men (although it would be impossible to do a study, because of feminist controlled research/publication).

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It was the tyrant Joseph Stalin who said, “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.”

Tyrannical gender feminism says, “The death of any and all women is a tragedy. The death of any and all men is a statistic.”

Stalinism and gender feminism are joined at the hip in their barbaric, inhuman treatment of innocent human beings. Gender feminism callously and bigotedly, attempts to discount male human suffering, while hypocritically promoting a female victimhood agenda.

Ultimately, all the gender feminist, hate movement does is show its moral bankruptcy - as shown in “Witch-Hunting Males” at Youtube.

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But that doesn't let the others off the hook. Where are the apologies-- and as I said, sincere apologies, heartfelt, real apologies? None forthcoming that I can tell.

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Men have been fired for less. It is time for all the responsible parties to be out of a job. CBS should cancel the show for good measure.

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Watch the whole thing.... on an empty stomach preferably... what a total CUNT...

Wendy Williams, the American television personality, chatting with reporters outside Boa's Steakhouse in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. Williams, wearing an elegant purple dress, was quizzed on the recent story about a Californian woman drugging her husband and chopping off his penis before dumping it in the garbage disposal.

Williams sympathized with the woman, saying, "When you cross a woman.all is fair". She later joked, "It was more efficient then throwing it in a field, where they could pick it up. Dispose of it the right way". Los Angeles, California - 15.07.2011


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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“It’s different” and don’t you males forget it. Remember our bodies our right,
well you Y chromosomers not so much. How silly of you to expect autonomy of your
own bodies. Whether it is circumcision, Select Service or a wife putting her
(soon to be former) husband in place; we the matriarchy must remind you how much
of an utter inconvenience to us it would be if you pesky males didn’t understand this!

On a serious note I am suprised by the lack of comments pointing out how these comments and reactions by some serve to reinforce male disposability.

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If anyone was ever wondering what an emotionally abusive woman sounds like when she opens her ignorant fascist mouth, or what creates misogynist structures in society, then read this degenerates comment. I have sovereignty over my own body, and I don’t put up with this kind of bigotry online or anywhere. We the, patriarchy, must remind you that woman are by nature mentally retarded, and you provide a wonderful example of the kind of thinking that must be constantly fought against by any means necessary. If women ruled the world, it would be plunged into chaos, and over in a day.

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Today I TiVo'd "The Talk" to see who their sponsors are in case anyone wants to write to them and let them know what kind of show they are supporting and how we feel about purchasing their products. I have started to provide links, but ran out of time. If anyone wants to take this, and compile a user friendly list with hot-links that would be awesome.

Purina company (owned by Nestle)

Progressive Insurance


Bailey's Coffee Creamers Webpage: I did not see contact info, but they do have Facebook. (could post a message on their facebook page)

Tylenol Pain Relief webpage: don't see contact info for customer relations.

V-8 Vegetable Juice (owned by Campbell's Soup)

Pearl Vision Eyewear

Crest Toothpaste

Celebrex Arthritis Medicine (Pfizer Corp)

General Mills Cereal

Lysol Cleaning Products (had several adds during the show)

Olive Garden Restaurant

Duracell Batteries

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Facetiousness, like the phrase "I was only joking," is often a rhetoric to hide the true intent to antagonize/harm others.

Maybe the comments should be limited to serious men with real thoughts, and have all the childish, girlish nonsense cut out.

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MANN comments are only limited in that personal attacks are not allowed. Otherwise it's a First Amendment Zone. Facetiousness, while not always the best way to make a point, doesn't comprise a personal attack.

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It's now being reported on the internet that the sexist bigot masandrist Sharon Osbourne is leaving the show "The talk" At least temporally. Osbourne has said she wants to leave the show for awhile to spend more time with her family,or words to that effect.It's being reported when the new season starts in the fall Osbourne will not be on the show....GOOD RIDDANCE,....But in "the fall season" is not good enough,in my opinion. I can't say for sure but it looks as if she's leaving because of the " pressure put on CBS for her "head" for those mindless comments she made. I also think the screws ought to be put to Wendy williams for her sexist and bigot comments. The pressure should continue to all that think male gender mutilation is funny and have said any mindless "cracks" in the media ..Like the question asks "How funny is a mutilated vigina"??...If anyone thinks that would be funny then they would be in hysterics when reading about "Jack The Ripper" and joking and laughing and making sexist comments and jesters about the mutilation of a males privates should be considered just as sick and reprehensible.

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I am a man, I am a cynic and I will not apologize for either. I will however apologize for the miscomunication between us. I was attempting to use hyperbole and literary impersonation to make a point. The point being that the pig was able to easy dismiss the idea that the discussion was sexist by merely claiming that "it's different". Noone on the panel or in the audience seemed to object to the idea.

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It took me this long to get through the entire clip. Osborn's giddiness and exuberance, before the news was even revealed (but she knew it was coming), is sickening.

But I need to give credit where credit is due... Leah Remini was the first to speak up against Sharon, when she asked "does it?" to Sharon's statement "it does depend on the reasons why", not to mention keeping a straight face for most of the discussion, clearly not amused, with a few exceptions (I don't blame her for that, Sharon's giddiness and energy made too much light of the situation). Sarah Gilbert followed up by noting the double standard. I can't imagine it was easy for ether of these women to stand up to Sharon's energy and shear delight, not to mention the crowd's enjoyment, couldn't have been easy to stand up to, and the lack of support from the other women would have made it difficult to keep up the argument.

So I don't feel all the women of the view should be taken to task. Osborn and Chen should be fired for their outright misandry, the others should just feel ashamed.

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Personally, I think Sara Gilbert is the only one that should keep her job. She only laughed once, and it appeared to be forced. She also was the one to bring up how sexist it is to laugh about the situation, when it would be considered absolutely tasteless with the genders reversed.

All of the other hosts appeared to actually be taking delight in the horrific story.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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