Woman charged with severing husband's penis gets mental evaluation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Garden Grove woman charged with cutting off her husband's penis is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation Thursday at the Orange County Jail.

Catherine Kieu Becker appeared in court Wednesday but did not enter a plea. The evaluation is fairly common in cases involving a unusually violent crime like this one.

"Given the nature of the offense, it's standard operating procedure," said Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino.
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case was ongoing, said the couple had argued earlier in the day and that the wife was angry at the husband over a relationship. Police said that when they confronted the woman, she said her husband "deserved it."'

Ed note: This is yet a different case from the one we have been discussing recently here on MANN. -- Turns out that indeed, this is the same woman. So the chances of her getting away from liability for this on account of 'mental incapacity' have just gone up quite a bit. Men get prison, women get shrinks. Little changes.

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I'm pretty sure this is the same woman -- Catherine Kieu Becker

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My bad. Edited the post to accommodate.

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I don't see how whether or not she was 'in her right mind' when she did it has anything to do with it! If a mentally unstable male did something of a similar nature to a woman, people would demand blood. Whether or not he was mentally fit at the time would be irrelevant.

Here's the point. She was coherent enough to poison his food. It seems to me that this was premeditated and planned. Not something she decided to do on the spur of the moment because she was angry. Not that it would make any difference.

I pray to God that she gets life for this. Anyone that would do that to another human being has forfeited their freedom and life, as far as I'm concerned.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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