Facebook Poster on Sexual Assault Has Navy Revamping Its Message

Article here. Excerpt:

'A controversial posting on the U.S. Navy's Facebook page meant to raise awareness on sexual assault prevention has followers asking, "Is this some kind of joke?"

The Navy says it's for real.
Facebook followers seemed stunned and at times offended by the obvious nature of the tips. The comment page is overflowing with followers who have harsh words for the Navy, many questioning its judgment.
The poster was not actually the brainchild of the Navy, but of a feminist blog called TumblinFeminist, whose most recent entry states, "I honestly feel as though you can not by definition be a feminist and be a Christian, unless you are a bad Christian- or a bad feminist. Christianity is inherently and undeniably sexist among countless other things."'

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Using "brainchild" as a descriptor of a "feminist blog" is clearly an oxymoron, IMO.

The Navy's poster is just one more clear example of the gender feminist influence that drives Witch-Hunting Males as shown at Youtube.

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