'Look, Kitten, I Am Too A Feminist! Fauxminism and Men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s great when men identify as feminists. Really, it is. It’s great when anyone identifies as a feminist. What’s more important, however, is actually sticking to the tenets of that identity and philosophy. This is important for feminists from all walks of life, but it becomes particularly paramount when men claim the title of feminist. Many a woman-identified feminist is unwilling to speak out against men who self-ID with the movement for fear of alienating them from the cause all together – or worse – becoming the man-hating stereotype. However, it’s time to speak the unspeakable. I am totally ok with being labeled a man-hater if it means that feminism can better serve those it is meant for. So here goes: fauxminism in male, masculine-identified allies is a problem, and it needs addressing.
Feminist men need to understand that their liberation from standards of masculinity goes hand in hand with smashing patriarchal misogynistic social structures. Instead of listing off the problems that he feels feminists aren’t addressing (and thus expecting women to drop everything and mommy him – a sexist expectation in the first place), he can either begin to address them himself or try to recognize how intersectionality affects oppression. The fact of the matter is that feminists should not have to dedicate 50% of time and resources to men’s issues.

So yes, men have issues. However, in no way, shape, or form are they of the same caliber as the problems and oppression facing women. If he is intent on making feminism about men, or inflating the issues that men face in order to play Oppression Olympics with the women he is conversing and organizing with, he is a fauxminist. Seriously: the minute he mentions the draft just stop listening.'

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This is the typical stuff you see coming from feminists so there is nothing new here. Mostly I posted it to underscore that it is alive and well and that the concept of even permitting the issues men have into discussion is categorically rejected by feminists is still as strong as ever. To sum it up, if playing by their rules, men are not allowed to say anything in the face of a feminist's complaints no matter how outrageous they may happen to be. Feminism isn't about fairness, it's about power. Let men who have leanings in their direction beware: if you dance with the devil, you're bound to get burned.

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Reading stuff like the above makes me a bit nauseous. I'm in a place where I'm outnumbered by women 9 to 1, and not nice women either. You really get a sense of how groups of feminists don't even understand what feminism is, and how much privilege women get because of the cult of political correctness. I read some Judith Butler, and was struck by how incredibly retarded the feminist interpretation of Descartes, Hegel, Foucault, and other philosphers is. Judith Butler can not read philosophy. Nancy Fraser is another big feminist name, but she essentially made one big statement - "no recognition without redistribution, no redistribution without recognition" - and made it ten times, a little different each time, to seem as though her work is legitimate. Nancy Fraser is a fraud. I'm hijacking everything feminists do and say to advance the status of men and boys. I don't identify as feminist - I am anti-feminist (I also think the whole rhetoric of "self-identification" is theoretically incoherent), and delight in pointing out the ludacris absurdity and inherent contradictions that color all feminist theory, from the construction of false statistics by feminist research centers, to the misandrist attacks against boys as early as pre-school age, to the inherent descriminatory and racist practices feminists engage in under their rhetorical "social justice" banner. It should be "social justice for everyone but men." The only thing more retarded than feminist academics are feminist politicians and media pundits. So after they destroy the family structure and make sure all lower-class men are in jail or committ suicide, what will be left for feminists to corrupt with their lies?

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All of her defense mechanisms she speaks of about how to defend feminism when speaking to a man who has legitimate reasons to reject her claims are very juvenile and seem to be proof that she has no logical responses. Here is an example:

Quote: "Seriously: the minute he mentions the draft just stop listening."

Yeah, that's right, everytime someone brings up a point that contradicts your claims - just ignore. That will show 'em.

She also mentions how she hates it when male feminist turn around and enjoy sexy female images. I wonder if she wants the women in these adds to also stop, or has considered how much money the female models are making.

"Objectifying" women has two sides. On one side it seems to give men enjoyment and persuades them to spend money, on the other side women receive benefits (payment for work as in working for Hooters, or other benefits like free drinks). Seems equal to me. But if she has a problem with it she should be criticizing both males and females.

And it always cracks me up when I see people trying to stop such things as using sexy women to get men to spend money aka "objectifying women". This is biology!! It will NEVER stop!

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I'm an advocate of human Rights, equality under the law no matter gender, no matter what. I am against feminism. I'm against any group having any more power in society than any other group. This young woman has an image problem. She expects men to walk behind her, and be quiet. She is fresh out of school and filled with her own words. What is truly sad is that she is given any real time in the media at all. So droll. So, according to this "woman" a man should not be concerned with equal rights, but only the rights of the woman. She could have something here. She could isolate her kind rather quickly. The rest of us could then see who our enemies were, both man hater and man slave. It would even be cool if they all wore a pin, could even be shaped like a little target!

David A. DeLong

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