Bristol Palin On Good Morning America: Virginity Was 'Stolen'

Article here. Is Bristol Palin engaging in parental alienation? Her claim that her virginity was 'stolen' is obviously unsubstantiated and Levi Johnston is entitled to his side of the story. It seems as if he's not getting the benefit of the doubt and as a result is being punished by losing time with his child. Excerpt:

'When her mother, Sarah Palin, was thrust into the spotlight as John McCain's vice presidential candidate, Bristol Palin had to come out with a secret, that she was about to be a teen mom. Now she's revealed her whole story in her book, "Not Afraid of Life," and there are plenty of surprises.

Bristol Palin doesn't accuse the father of her baby, Levi Johnston, of date rape, but does say she felt her virginity was stolen. She was drunk and to her, that's how it felt.

In the book, she refers to Levi Johnston as the "gnat" who is constantly "spreading false accusations about our family." When asked how her son might react to this description of his father when he grows up, Palin is not concerned. She says already he has less contact with Trip than he's entitled to.'

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It was the wine coolers. It wasn't my fault.
It was Levi. It wasn't my fault.
It was the birth control pills that didn't work. it wasn't my fault.

And yet you went back for more. Let me­t your fault? Her famous bangfest camping trip was Spring 2006 when she was 15. She got pregnant in Spring 2008.

I haven't heard of any other date rape victims who go on to have three year relationships, and eventually get engaged to the person who raped them. This woman thinks we're all stupid. Or better, that her words will never have her held to account.

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I have never really caught on about the virginity mystic.

Just why does the exact moment the glans head of a penis meets the vagina lips change a female's status forever and not necessarily for the better?

Sounds like more medieval superstition!

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Both Levi and Bristol are immature and have said terrible things about each other and each other's families that classify as "parental alienation" in my opinion. I hope they mature and realize the damage they are doing and realize how foolish they look.

However, I don't think Bristol is punishing Levi by depriving him time with his child. He is the one that has moved out of the state of Alaska. I only know in the beginning of their split, after Levi moved away and while getting paid to blast the Palin family in the tabloids that he mentioned it was difficult for him to take his son out on his own. He did not recall a specific incident nor was he doing anything about it. The Palins denied Levi had ever even asked to take his son anywhere and said Levi was welcome to see his son anytime.

After their breakup Levi did file for joint LEGAL custody but not for joint PHYSICAL custody (as far as I know - I admit I don't read much about them -as I could really care less). Physical and legal custody are two different things (physical is where the child lives. Legal is decision making) It also appears that they worked their agreement out themselves and did not go to court, which I understand is how the majority of cases are now handled (couples work it out on their own, then file their agreement with the court).

It is hard for me to believe Levi is wanting more time with Trip as he has never even used up the time he agreed to in the Parenting Plan. He does not even live in the same state.

You see this is the problem when single people have children and are not committed to staying together. They both have to do what is best for themselves as individuals. Men typically want/need sex more than women and immediately get back to dating and single lifestyle after a breakup - this takes them away from their kids as they like their nights and weekends to be free. Women typically need the help of their family for childcare and stay close to home.

As far as I know, no one is keeping Levi away from his child. He has moved to a different state and appears to have an active single life.

As far as Bristol's virginity being "stolen" well, I have no defense for her.

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