PBS's "Breaking the Silence" Producers Forced to Apologize

This is good news, via Glenn Sacks' Jan. 9, 2007 e-Newsletter. The producers of "Breaking the Silence" have apologized for their misstatements. It takes them some time but at the end of the letter, they finally get to it, as follows:

"It was never our intent to accuse Dr. Loeliger of physically abusing his daughter or to create harm to his daughter. Although we believe that most viewers understand this, we sincerely regret if some viewers drew an inference from the film that we did not intend and do not endorse."

This is a victory-- but personally, I'd rather see this letter plus a full and public retraction of their anti-male/father biases (preferably on national TV and billboards all across America), with a full admission that they understand the *whole* truth about domestic violence and the rates of battery among all classes of people who live together.

Well, a fellow can dream, can't he?

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I didn’t push for this so I would like to say, thank you, you kick ass! to all those that did. It seems like a lot of guys are very frustrated at a lack of progress but what may seem like small victories really are huge, to take any media to task like this is going to leave an impression and curb that networks misandry, plus it reinforces the validity of MA and creates more awareness leading to more interest, it all snowballs, great work.

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Break the Silence PBS is Biased Against Men

PBS Lies About Fathers

PBS Vilifies Fathers

Shame on the Domestic Violence Movement (and PBS) For Lying

Save Our Children From Abusive Moms

Stop Robbing Children of their Fathers

Even the subsequent PBS production, that was supposed to be balanced, had some guy on from Canada that presented the gender feminist, misandrist, domestic violence industry talking points. Even though Fathers were allowed a very minimal say, there never was anything presenting the real truth about the hate movement that domestic violence law has been against men, and the accessory that PBS was to that. Were was the apology for that. PBS is still on my list of man-haters. They are despicable, IMO, in the way they have disserved (and still do) good, honest, decent, innocent members of society.

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At least you know they heard you.

I am the victim of my own liberation, I swore off tv. Been without it for about 4 years, I dvd and download, news source online, I dont miss it or have to put up with it's misandry.

I guess a byproduct is you lose sight of the enemy but hey thats what this site is for.

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Appologizing by saying you're sorry if you were misunderstood is not really an apology, it's a cop out.

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I wouldn't even call it a cop-out. More like a purposeful dodge to hopefully mitigate the uproar over the production without apologizing.

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