Time: Why Women Are Better at Everything

Article here. This is why I don't subscribe to Time magazine. How utterly stupid. This inane anti-male bigotry seems to have no end in the liberal mainstream media. Excerpt:

'Recently in the Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch columnist David Weidner noted that women "do almost everything better" than men — from politics to corporate management to investing.

Weidner cites a new study by Barclays Wealth and Ledbury Research, which found that women were more likely than men to make money in the market, mostly because they didn't take as many risks. And why are they risk-averse? Because they're not as overconfident as men, the study found.'

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...bashing their own sex. These books cited in the article are all written by men.

So wait, if some group of female commentators were to assert the opposite from what the men cited in this article assert, then women being better at everything, including of course making such determinations, would they not perforce be right?

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These turds who write this kind of feminist propaganda BS are just pandering to the political correct,and they profit from it in various ways....Why is it never mentioned that every genius ever known in recorded history have all been males ??? This also proves that any so called studies or polls can be manipulated to fit any type of a bias agenda. The truth of the matter is that males perform better then females in just about everything,and has been proven over and over....But no one will hear or read about this in the bias PC corrupt media....

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This is a clever trick to raise ad revenue. It is too extreme, too much shock value to be genuine. Because an article like this will turn off more women then turn on.

Look how many comments so far:300+.

I wonder how many people viewed the article in it's entirety? And look at most of the replies, very very negative.

Look at most of the side articles:

Top 10 Unhealthy Side Effects of the War on Drugs

14 Beauty Tricks Men Should Steal From Women
11 Surprising Headache Triggers
When a Miscarriage Isn’t a Fluke
Headin' Out: NASA Aims for Jupiter, Mars and the Moon
Bagels: An American Tragedy
Fear and Anger as Greece Stares Into the Abyss
A Supreme Double Standard: If Violent Video Games Are Free Speech, Why Aren't Sexual Images?

The Kabul Intercontinental Attack: The Taliban's Clear Message

The New Transformers: Turn On the Dark
Is This the Death of Dutch Multiculturalism?
The Curse of the Crocodile: Russia's Deadly Designer Drug

Top 10 Expendable Girlfriends and the Men Who Loved Them (Briefly)

'Magic Mushrooms' Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term
Sex and Spicy Food: Half of Women Try Folklore to Induce Labor

Those are the "side articles". Notice the inconsistency here? On the one hand Time has all these male topics(and female topics that might interest males that are written in a non offensive manner).

On the other hand we have this one blatantly incendiary, bigoted article that seems designed to offend males and females who believe in equality/are reasonable-ish.

Most MRM websites are talking about or giving free advertising for Time via this hateful article.

This is nothing more then Time intentionally trying to manipulate us via the "Howard Stern effect" to increase their online ad revenue profits.

They are a dying business desperately trying to breath new life into their magazine.

We would be better off just boycotting(a visible way of showing they are bigots) them and ignoring them. Because they just aren't relevant anymore. The Huffington Post is more relevant then the Times(meaning we should only be watching what is popular for misandry and ignore that which isn't popular. Because bad publicity is better than no publicity if your truly desperate).

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Historically men have treated women badly.
Historically whites haves treated blacks badly.
You can put men down and make jokes/comments about them but not women.
You can put whites down and make jokes/comments about them but not blacks.
This is a double edged sword for white men because they are men and they are white.

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1. Paying child support

2. Taking personal responsibility for doing negative things.

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1) White is an artificial construct created by Anglophones in the early 1900's to justify act's of genocide against German American's(Even Southern German American's where heavily anti-slavery during the Civil War, as a result most "whites" lynched during and after the civil war where German American's). German American's made up the bulk of the Union Army, their sole reason being to "free the slaves". Lincoln almost lost re-election because he didn't want to free African American's that where wrongfully enslaved.

2) Historically women where always a protected class. The only fault of men(as a systematic culture) is that men treated women like perpetual children. Women where never forced into hard labor. One could argue that "white" women are the ultimate privileged class.

3) Mothers of the Republic Women's Right movement of the 1800's fought for the right to be SAHM's. Women chased other women out of the job market by harassing and threatening business owners. Business owners compromised with these self woman haters by agreeing to pay women less.

In three simple step's I proved you to be an ignorant racist and sexist liar. If you feel I slandered you I suggest you contact an attorney as history speaks for itself(+I could use the money from the counter lawsuit for auto-repairs).

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What the hell are you talking about?

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Hi Korathin,

You are new so I will explain something that is better-known to the old-timers here on MANN. Comments are limited only in that personal attacks are not permitted. Gloria Steinem herself could post here regularly provided she refrained from personal attacks. Something like "You are a liar!" is a personal attack. However something like "What you wrote is false," is not. We try to stay focused on the ideas we are discussing, not on the personalities. We also try to avoid making attributions of intent since it is too easy to get those wrong.

Rarely has it happened that someone has been blocked from the site. In fact in over 5 years, only one person has been kicked off the site. The process is done as follows: First offense gets an explanation if it wasn't given before. Second offense gets a warning. Third offense gets a penalty box (suspension from posting for X amt. of time, usually three days). Fourth offense gets you thrown off the site. Even so, if there is a large amt. of time between offenses, you are usually forgiven and the offense tally gets a reset.

The MANN tradition is to be highly permissive in the comments section, allowing for as much of a free flow of conversation, regardless of whether it is considered by some to be pro-MRA or not. It's just that to avoid flame-wars, we have to stop personal attacks from breaking out into heated exchanges that detract from the purpose of the site, which is the exchange of ideas around MRA issues. I hope you understand and this makes it clear.


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