Uganda: Women want say in circumcision of spouses

Article here. Excerpt:

'WOMEN are complaining that they are not being involved in the decisions to circumcise their children and husbands, a study report revealed last.

The report on women’s perceptions on medical male circumcision (MMC) for HIV prevention in Kampala and Kapchorwa districts was launched on Friday by Health Rights Action Group (HAG) and Mama’s Club, a psychosocial support group For HIV Positive Mothers.

“A man suddenly returns home with a circumcision wound without consulting the wife yet women feel, as stakeholders, that they should be consulted regarding such matters,” Marion Natukunda the Programme manager for Mama’s Club, said.

While presenting the report last Thursday at Katikati restaurant, Nankunda said women would like to have their babies circumcised but are not allowed to make such decisions. When their husbands are not supportive, it often leads to domestic violence. The study was done in Kampala and Kapchorwa.'

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Hmm, reminds me a bit of the abortion debate. Isn't this about the man's body-- if as an adult he chooses to get circumcised, well, it's his body, then isn't he the sole and final decider (input of course from other sources is available but he need not pay attention to it if he chooses not to). However at no time should he as an adult or child have circumcision inflicted on him against his will.

Sound familiar? Seems these Uganadan women, if any of them are pro-choice and also have that 'My Body My Choice' line going, ought to reconsider their line of thinking.

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The "circumcision prevents HIV" mentality heavily influences these parts of Africa. I believe that is why these mothers are wanting it for their newborns. Even so, it is not the majority of mothers. The article will not let me cut and paste quotes, but it was only 27 % of mothers in one area and 33% in the other that would choose circumcision for their babies if the choice was up to them.

The article also mentions that the newly circumcised adult men do not believe they need to wear condoms anymore as they believe circ prevents HIV !!

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"The article also mentions that the newly circumcised adult men do not believe they need to wear condoms anymore as they believe circ prevents HIV !!"

One more way in which compulsory circumcision is a really bad idea...

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