Ibbetson: Testosterone vs. Estrogen - Feminists Examine Evil and Good

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'The current mentality forwarded today is that feminists don’t bash men. That’s just something angry males say when faced with the undeniable logic forwarded by the women’s movements. If you are a reasonable male and wish to avoid an argument you will keep your eyes forward and just nod in agreement. The first problem with such a statement is that it is seldom placed to scrutiny with how feminists truly act. Second, these kinds of propositions are almost always void of half of humanity’s thoughts on the issue. Yep, very few men other than the occasional token male academic feminist get to chime in on the subject.

An example of the common feminist disconnect with reality is seen in ABC’s This Week with Christiane Amanpour. During the program Roundtable: Sex and Politics, Amanpour brought together a feminist coven to discuss the after-effects of the Anthony Weiner sexting incident. Strangely enough, the group discussed the good fortune of Weiner’s adulterous actions as it was seen as fortuitous to the feminist movement. Considering that Weiner’s spouse was victimized by the New York democrat’s philandering, this is contradictory enough. But guess why this wife’s pain was seen as a feminist gain? Amanpour would lead her all-female roundtable through a discussion of the evils of testosterone and how the Weiner scandal could open new inroads for more females in politics. Here is where many a clear-thinking man and woman will start to really look askew at the feminist mindset.'

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He makes very good points in his essay and speaks with courage. And, this is published on a GOP party site. Undoubtedly one can find feminist writings on Democrat party web sites as well.

Back in the 70s, the pandering to feminists in the Democrat party was nascent and borne mostly of political opportunism. Now it has become a major plank in the platform. While taking up men's rights issues is hardly nascent in the GOP, I feel that in the future, we will see the GOP take up men's rights issues as part of their platform as well and soon, we will have what I have always thought was a very bad state of affairs indeed: the open politicization of a true 'social war' between the sexes, with no winner likely to emerge. American politics is headed in a very unpleasant direction indeed, but really, at this point, what other choice is there? As long as the Democrat party insists on making feminist causes a forefront matter, there has to be some other agency supplying a counter to it. At this point in US political history only the GOP looks like it can fulfill that role, as we lack any major third party to take up the MRA cause or even have a small political party that champions MRA issues.

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