Happy Father's Day to some, Hang Tough to others

At MANN we know this is a joyful day for some readers and a very sad day for others. To those fortunate enough not to have been thrown under the bus of the Nanny State, we hope you enjoy this day. For those who have been given the shaft, hang in there and remember that for each act of injustice done to men/fathers, another man comes over to our cause.

The more the powers that be dish out the abuse, the more resistance they will get.

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It's now been a number of years, but on one Father's Day I opened my mail to find my appeal to a judge's order giving my ex-wife custody of our children had been denied. It was one of the toughest days of my life--my hope of being able to raise my children was gone.

To all fathers in a similar situation, Happy Father's Day. I know how hard it is.

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We also need to reach, teach, and inspire those that are younger than us. Matt, I've been reading your posts for years. You are an example of hang in there. A belated Happy Fathers Day to you Sir, and each and every Father that reads this. We can still be Men.

David A. DeLong

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Much appreciated.

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