REEL Dads: Hollywood’s Father’s Day gift to dads, check out some classic “Great Dad” movies

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'With all the negative publicity Dad is getting recently, I thought I’d provide something positive for this weekend.

Thanks to the Patriot Ledger and GateHouse News Service here is a list of films you may want to check out on Netfilx. My favorite is To Kill a Mokingbird (1962).

REEL DADS: Films that feature memorable fathers'

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The various dads in these films are not all necessarily good dads. Some of these films have men behaving very poorly as dads. There are good dads and bad dads, like there are good moms and bad moms. MRAs more often as not are aware of this fact while others seem to forget it, believing moms always to be good moms and dads always falling short. More's the pity since with that kind of mass delusion, it's the kids that really suffer hardest.

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About 50% of these movies portray dads as monsters!
What up with this?

We should make our own list:

First, is Jack Lemon in "Days Of Wine And Roses." A dad who struggles with his own alcoholism but still raises his daughter when his alcoholic wife abandons the family.

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