Opinion: Why Lagarde should be IMF chief: Women make better leaders, sans Weiner-like libido

Article here. Excerpt:

'During an appearance last fall on ABC's "This Week" and following tough talk on fiscal austerity and the evils of budget deficits, Lagarde dove headlong into the squishy topic of gender leadership. Her cardinal thesis: Women are better leaders than men. “We don’t necessarily project our own egos into cutting a deal, [getting] our point across, convincing people, reducing them to…a partner lost in the process.”

Then with a hint of mettle she cut to the chase: “We inject less libido, less testosterone.”
Lagarde’s gender braggadocio is supported by empirical data. Leadership studies consistently show women outperform men in the key area of decision-making: They tend to use a more democratic, participative style, while men take a more autocratic, directive approach. These studies conclude that women’s traditional approach to negotiation, mediation, facilitation, and communication is more effective than men’s traditional insistence on power and control.'

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... does that enter into it, too? I mean, whites tend to score higher on tests, etc., etc. Oh wait, that's racist, to say that one may not be qualified as better than someone else based on racial characteristics due to tendencies in statistical sets. And indeed, it is.

People have to be taken as individuals when going to figure out whether or not they are the best person qualified for a job. For a person to say that categorically "women make better leaders" is as bigoted as saying that "categorically, Asians make better scholars," even if "empirical evidence seems to support this". This is just plain pigeon-holing and trying to put a scientific facade onto racism. And as in this case as in that one, Lagarde is a gender bigot. She has shown her colors and so, MRAs will undoubtedly be watching her for more of the same.

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More empirical proof that women are innately stupid. It must be in the double X chromosome. BTW: Women who get into high profile leadership positions often turn into tyrannical bitches and alienate all of those around her. The former female CEO of Hewlett-Packard for example. Let us not forget Leona Hemsley. Also, a Presidential candidate's entire staff recently resigned in mass because of his wife's meddling and bitchy attitude.

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"More empirical proof that women are innately stupid."

If that's true, how come in about 40 years of feminism led largely by women have these women been able to stick it to men so fully and completely, with the complicity of so many men, I might add?

Innately stupid? Hardly. There are some stupid women in the world, like there are some stupid men. You can spot stupid people of either sex by the things they say/write/etc., but more importantly, by the things they do. "Stupid" is an equal-opportunity employer.

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Female stupidity does not necessarily mean low intelligence. Female stupidity can manifest itself by a woman deliberately accusing a man of rape on the most pathetic reasons. One recent example was a female in Britain who cried rape because she didn't have cab fare. The allegorical tale in the Bible about Eve eating the forbidden fruit is an old example of female stupidity. Eve was not deceived about the forbidden fruit she had two clear choices and knew the possible negative consequences of partaking of it but bit into it anyway because she could. That was stupid and it showed how men (Adam)are vulnerable to suffering the consequences of women's stupid choices.

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