Have you lost your faith in men?

Link to "article" here. Excerpt:

'Perhaps it's just me but is anyone else losing faith in men? Is your confidence that your relationship will endure, unmarred by infidelity, for the rest of your life, rapidly diminishing? Anyone else starting to think that maybe it's only a matter of time until it happens to you?

Amid the latest reports of Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child, debauchery seems to be the flavour of our current new stories with male politicians, business leaders, sporting stars, celebrities and members of the armed forces at the centre of the storm.
Tiger Woods reportedly had at least nine mistresses, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his cabinet have allegedly treated their country's political system as one big bachelor party, Ricky Nixon (the most recent football personality to grace our media) still has a lot of explaining to do and countless other public figures have had their reputations tarnished by some form of sexual indiscretion.'

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How come there isn't such an article published? I mean, look at the many sexual miscreant female school teachers, the new reports on marital infidelity by women, esp. those in high places at work or in politics, and then ask another question: Have you lost faith in women?

Seems generalizing is fine when it includes an anti-male stance, but anti-female? Noooo....

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People have been cheating on their wives and husbands for thousands of years... probably back to the time when the institution of marriage was invented. So what? This article is just feminist drivel. To be specific, the author of this article makes four false assumptions.

First, the author assumes that there is something new about this. There is not. Maybe the Internet makes these things more visible, but this cheating stuff has been going on for a long time. The media's hate of men has caused them to look around for evidence that men are bad and wrong, but they conveniently ignore indiscretions by women in power.

The article makes a second false assumption that it assumes these situations are all the fault of the involved males. Women are blameless, we all know they are made of sugar and spice, and nothing else. What was Maria Shriver doing with Arnold that caused him to want to seek love and connection elsewhere?

The article makes a third false assumption that these reports mean men are, as a gender, untrustworthy. This shows childish logic, thinking that all men are alike, which of course they are not. This is a fundamental assumption behind all radical feminism. It is the essence of discrimination, allegedly what feminism set out to stop.

The article furthermore makes a fourth false assumption when it assumes that women's happiness is dependent on men, and men's behavior. This author thinks that she is victimized by men, that men have the power to ruin her life. To be mature, she should take responsibility for discovering her own happiness, instead of putting that on the shoulders of men. Of course it will upset Maria to find out that Arnold has a love child by the housekeeper... nobody expects that it would not. But the rest of Maria's life doesn't ned to be defined by this single event.

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