The invisible domestic violence – against men

Article here. Excerpt:

'If the empirical research is correct in suggesting that between a quarter and half of all domestic violence victims are men, a question follows: why has women's domestic violence towards men been unreported for so long, and what has changed in the last five years to make it more visible?

One reason may be the feminist movement. Feminism took up the cause of domestic abuse of women in the 1970s, with the world's first women's refuge being opened by Erin Pizzey in 1971. Feminism understood domestic violence as the natural extension of men's patriarchal attitudes towards women, leading men to feel they had the right to control their partners, using violence if necessary. Feminists campaigned successfully to bring the issue into the public arena, thereby securing resources to establish services to help victims. This activism and advocacy led to governmental and public acceptance that "domestic violence" was synonymous with violence against women.'

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What could one expect from an ideology that is both gynocentric and misandric?

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If I remember correctly Erin Pizzey tried to establish a battered men's shelter around the time she established her shelter for women. Sadly she encountered some opposition from many, particularly from the feminist movement.

It seems Erin Pizzey is little short of a hate figure among many feminists; she herself received threats to her life as a result of her efforts to help battered men.

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I've just checked the link - this is in The Guardian, that most feminist of newspapers.

If I recall The Grauniad has been one of the most vocal in shouting down any who campaign on the issue of DV against men. Now they're running a story like this...

The editor must be ill or something.

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"The editor must be ill or something."

Or perhaps he's just going through a divorce?

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