Massachusetts Governor Patrick refuses display of banner honoring fathers
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2011-06-03 00:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'What you won’t hear in the media, is now he has kicked fathers again where it hurts. Patrick taking a cue his buddy, also from Chicago, Obama, who denigrated fathers at least on two Father’s Days in the past with his speeches, has really done something truly inexplicable.
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has refused a request to hang a banner in the Massachusetts State House honoring fathers this coming Fathers Day.'
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Was a banner hung on mother's day?
Was a banner hung this past mother’s day to honor mothers? Things should be kept equitable in that regard.
I'm going to check into that. Even if not, we need to honor those who are doing their part, black, pink, green, male, female, transgendered, etc.
No Banner
No banner was asked to be displayed. The Governor didn't say it himself. Please read this statement from the article itself:
An application to hang a banner, as has been done by a variety of organizations and groups recently, was submitted to the Bureau of State Office Buildings, a department under the governor’s jurisdiction, by The Fatherhood Coalition.
There's a coupe for you, the State Office Building Bureau, I'm sure their office is next door to the Governor's office and making sure the Governor is kept up to speed on every building use request.
As a filmmaker it would be like me asking the state to grant me a filming permit and then when I was told no, I should blame it on the Governor.
Be careful what you read, check the details.
I know most of you do.
Governor Patrick is ultimately responsible
To quote from the article:
“The Patrick administration has taken the extraordinary position that the State House is no place for a banner to honor fathers on this upcoming Father’s Day, June 19. An application to hang a banner, as has been done by a variety of organizations and groups recently, was submitted to the Bureau of State Office Buildings, a department under the governor’s jurisdiction, by The Fatherhood Coalition.
The application was denied and several requests for the governor’s office to intervene have gone unanswered.”
You know what's great about a heirarchy? It is easy to find a responsible party. If Deval Patrick doesn't know what is going on by now, he is incompetant. He must know and therefore he is responsible for not taking the proper action.