June is Men's Health Month

And the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is here to remind you that your problems are all your own fault. Link here.

'Learn the Facts

When you get a preventive medical test, you’re not just doing it for yourself. You’re doing it for your family and loved ones:

* Men are 24 percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year and are 22 percent more likely to have neglected their cholesterol tests.
* Men are 28 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for congestive heart failure.
* Men are 32 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for long-term complications of diabetes and are more than twice as likely than women to have a leg or foot amputated due to complications related to diabetes.

* Men are 24 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for pneumonia that could have been prevented by getting an immunization.

The single most important way you can take care of yourself and those you love is to actively take part in your health care. Educate yourself on health care and participate in decisions with your doctor. This site will help you get started.

Source: Healthcare Cost & Utilization Project and Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data.'

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While these are good points made on the page, they are leaving out the many other reasons men die sooner than women on average or otherwise suffer from maladies of various kinds. Well it's good to see some effort anyway at raising men's health issues, anyway.

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It is this misandric chivalous culture that enables men to neglect their health. It is "manly" to never complain about any personal pain or discomfort and to eat, drink and smoke in a manner that would kill a hog. Of course the medical establishment isn't exactly male friendly. If it were then domestic violence against men would be given the same priority attention as DV against women gets.

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Yes, if men complain of feeling unwell they are ridiculed by wives and girlfriends. You've probably heard the girly jibes about 'Man Flu', or the old joke 'what's the Greek word for man? Hypochondriac.' Funny - not. This probably puts men off from going to the doctors when they are unwell. Then these same women who joke about man flu will chide their men for 'putting off' going to a doctor when the men are found to have a serious medical complaint.

Damned of you do, dammed if you don't.

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Men in general haven't been taught to take care of them selves, they have been taught to work and serve. Now due to the misconception of many women they are finding that since they have entered into the work field in direct competition with men that they too are starting to suffer from the things that men have. We still attack the pawns instead of attacking the system. When we do that we just help them oppress us. While we attack the other victims the system is evening out the playing field, and we will all be in the same boat. Human nature is under attack, the purpose is to make us good drones that will work and die without complaint in order to keep the illusion of a real life in place. Sorry, not me.

David A. DeLong

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You're right about that. Men are usually criticised for complaining about illness, since like you said men are supposed to work to support themselves and others.

Now with more women entering high-powered jobs we are seeing the bad habits of men being adopted by women: poor eating habits, excessive alcohol consumption, inability to relax after work, staying at work too long.

Aleady more and more women are falling victim to traditionally 'male' illnesses, such as gout and cirrhosis of the liver. The traditional viewpoint that women are just naturally 'better' at looking after their own health will have to be shelved; the difference in health outcomes is probably due to different life roles and slowly those differences are disappearing.

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