Judge, jury and executioner

Article here. She claims to have been raped. He claims she was furious that he didn't want to settle down with her. I tend to believe him. And his penis was unable to be reattached. Sickening. Excerpt:

'A woman cut off a man's penis as he allegedly attempted to rape her and took it to a police station as evidence against him.

Monju Begum, 40, attacked the man in Bangladesh after he burst into her shack and reportedly launched his sex attack.

The victim then wrapped up the penis in polythene before handing it over to officers, police said.

The married father-of-five is expected to be arrested once he has recovered.
Speaking from hospital, Mr Mazi told the BBC he had been having an affair with the woman, who was his neighbour.

'We were having an affair and recently she suggested that both of us can go and settle down in Dhaka,' he said.

'I refused and told her that I cannot leave my wife and children, so she took revenge on me.'

Surgeons later tried to reattach the penis but they were unable to do so because several hours had passed before it was taken to the hospital.'

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The article describes an 'alleged rape' but her as 'the victim', all while the only person lying in a hospital is him. Who is the victim here?

I tend to agree with the submitter of this article mostly because the cutting off of something like a penis requires some rather careful knife-wielding. When using a knife to defend oneself against attack, especially by one not trained to to do, the knife is used in a gross fashion, with only good luck landing an actual cut. In this case if she were under pressure from an assailant and the only thing that got cut was the assailant's penis, that would have to be some pretty fine-tuned knife-wielding. I also imagine that with some investigation work the police can quickly find out whether or not these two were indeed having an affair. Affairs are hard things to hide from friends and neighbors.

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Agreed Matt. What is more likely - she emasculates him while asleep or after sex and he's all relaxed... or she does it during this 'rape' she claims happened?

Of course she's portrayed as the victim. Her possession of ovaries gives her automatic victim status.

This man's life is going to be wretched beyond belief from now on, that's for sure... If it were ever to happen to me, I would not rest until I have exacted appropriate revenge...


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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It just does not seem to add up that she would be able to sever his penis with a knife while he is attempting to rape her especially if the knife in the picture is an accurate representation of the weapon used as a switch blade of that style is designed as a stabbing weapon rather then a cutting weapon.

if he was indeed raping her would he have not been holding her arms down? Where did she get the knife in the middle of the attack? Was she expecting to be attacked that day? How did she manage to sneak the knife down there and cut it off without him noticing she had a knife before she used it to cut off his penis? A quick stab I could understand, but cutting through tissue and tendons with a switchblade while struggling to fight off an attacker?

Seems a little suspect to me. Of course his actual physical deformities pale in comparison to the life long trauma a rape victim suffers in the form of emotional scars that cannot be seen measured or compared from one person to the next.

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And he'd have no emotional scars from having his penis cut off?!?!? Are you kidding?!! People survive rape. People can go on to have fulfilling lives. There's NO surviving having your penis cut off and not being able to have it reattached! It would completely and utterly devastate any man it happened to.


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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Since he is male, he is basically guilty by virtue of being born. The comments seem to think that this permanent deformity, attempted murder, and insanely heinous action from the woman are justified if he "tried to rape her" or "if he cheated on her" .... This.. this is the world we get to live in? THIS is the world were -women- get to play the victim card? She should have just shot him, I mean my GOD!

People wonder why I cheer for the villian's in movies that try to destroy the world.

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The last sentence was sarcastic. That's why it ended with can't be seen measured or compared from one person to the next. In other words emotional trauma is not something that is possible to quantify as what could be horrific to once individual may be nothing at all to another. In this case the "rape" obviously was not a horrific traumatizing event as she had the wherewithal to some how maneuver a knife into a position without being stopped by her attacker mid attack to cut off his dick. It could not have possibly been that brutal or horrific or traumatizing to her if she was able to do that. So he DEFINITELY got the worst of whatever trauma was dealt out that day and in my opinion, SHE should be the one under arrest as the justice system should NOT encourage vigilante style justice and even if he was raping her she assaulted him causing bodily harm and should be punished for that crime regardless of the circumstances because as the old saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right.

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Looks like Jay Leno, Letterman and the other aging late night talking heads have a new opening comedy line to run into the ground every night for probably a year.

As Angry Harry says, "I don't know who you are, Sir, but I can tell you what you are worth. If your partner was to cut off your penis tonight, the world would laugh."

And how true that is!

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"I think it's sweet. Way to go he got just what he deserved. Hehehehe ."

"GOOD FOR HER sure he deserved it !!!!!!!!!! never know what women carry under those robes LOL, maybe this will give men a clue they aren't going to take it any more !!!!"

"Could U imagine the loooks on the faces of the desk clerks!!!!"

My sheer loathing of women like this gets deeper every day.


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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..it makes me enraged to read those sorts of comments. I read much the same in the Daily Mail newspaper in the UK.

But this type of crap is typical of many people's attitudes, both men and women.

The worst thing is even if there had been no suggestion or allegation of assault or rape there would still be smart Alec commemts from some people.

'A man having his penis cut off! HILARIOUS!'

Yes, some people think like that. Sick ****s.

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