"1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted at your college? Didn’t happen at mine."

Article here. Excerpt:

'Koss wanted to find out how extensive rape was in American colleges. Turns out there were not enough so she tried to convince come college women that because they had been drinking and had sex it was rape. Some of those same women kept on drinking with their rapists and being raped. Stupid women? Brutal men? Or just life in the fast lane when you are young?

Unwanted sexual attention is also included with rape to inflate numbers. OK, the nerd made a clumsy pass “You look great in those jeans, want to go out?” Unwanted. The handsome athletic student whose father owns a silver mine says “You look great in those jeans, want to go out?” And she goes. Most unwanted sexual attention is not about rape or sexual assault, just the wrong women at the wrong time with the wrong guy. Hardly a sex crime. And if women can’t deal with that then how will they ever become fire-persons, police persons, and army persons?'

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trying to do math again. haven't they been listening? ha!

it would be comical (the outrageous numbers) IF THEY WEREN'T SO DARN SERIOUS!

you have to give them credit tho, being able to be so 'out there', and keep a straight face. trying to keep the billion$ of victim $$$$ rolling in, well, you just
have to do what you have to do (v.a.w.a.). sort of like publish or perish.

gotta have victim$. before long maybe this?

'your honor, this horrible man had his way visually with my client'.

virtual rape. guilty. who here would be surprised? anything for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

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