Why are so many female teachers having 'affairs' with their students?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Is it all about the cougar effect?

Out of the dailymailco.uk comes an interesting article posing the question why are so many US female teachers having affairs with their students?

dailymailco.uk: As school years go, this one has been riddled with sex scandal.

But it’s not droves of male teachers who are being arrested and charged for having sex with their under-age students – it’s females.And as yet another young, female teacher is this week arrested for allegedly having sex with her 16-year-old student, the MailOnline asks: what’s happened to America’s female teachers?'

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Because there are light/no penalties for female sex predators. I bet you alot of there boys are going to turn around and be rapists themselves.

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I suspect this has been happening forever. It is just that now it is getting reported, as people are realizing this is child abuse and pedophilia.

But, you know the drill...women get probation and men get hard time.

oregon dad

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The statistics show this not to be true. Of boys sexually abused by men, 8% of them become abusers. Of the boys sexually abused by women less than 1% of them because abusers.

There is a different damage to boys which occurs. Over 60% of them have sexual addictions or abuse drugs or alcohol. They have intimacy issues as well, trying to find a woman who loves him for him.

Regarding teachers, it still occurs more with male teachers than female teachers. But it is worth noting women and men abusers, either one, it must end, it must end.

One Hundred percent, one hundred percent of the abusers were sexually abused, male or female. It must stop.

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been going on forever. in high school (way back) it was common knowledge among
guys that certain other guys were going after that 'extra credit'. if a girl
had an affair w/ a teach it would have been very very bad for him. only in recent
years did women even start getting arrested for this sort of thing. even now we see
them getting charged w/ things that don't even sound like rape. MRA's have been making
fun of the way so called news organizations make excuses for these women for quite
a while (years). the prettier the less the crime, guaranteed. some really pretty ones get no/little time at all. men doing the same crime routinely serve decades in prison, if they live.

as for a stat's about this topic, give me a break. any stat taken in a country that can't even find the ba!!s to prosecute the crime w/o pulling the victim string can't
be trusted w/ honestly looking at any such topic fairly.

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