Ex-cop's wife says 'lying' rape accuser should be locked up

Article here. Excerpt:

'They should lock her up and throw away the key.

The bitter wife of an NYPD cop who beat a rape rap sneered yesterday that her husband's accuser is a money-grubbing liar who should be jailed herself.

"She can go to hell," ranted Julia Moreno, wife of veteran cop Kenneth Moreno, 43, who was acquitted last week along with partner Franklin Mata, 29, after a sensational two-month trial.

"She should go to jail for this," the wife barked in a bitter attack sure to outrage the accuser's legions of supporters. "She had two days to make up this story with her lawyer friends before she went to the hospital."

Video evidence showed Moreno, a 17-year veteran, and Mata, who had three years on the force, helped the woman upstairs, spent seven minutes inside, and then returned three more times during the night to check on her. The pair, who used the woman's own key to get back inside, admitted in court to faking a 911 call in the accuser's neighborhood to cover up one of the return trips.
"I know him. He's the guy on the force that they call to take home partners' girlfriends when they're too drunk. He's trusted by everyone. He's been on the force 18 years without ever having any incident with women," she said.

Moreno and Mata face a June 28 sentencing, in which each could still face up to two years behind bars on the official-misconduct convictions.'

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I dunno. I have doubts about the "not guilty" rape verdict. This is more on the article that was posted a few days ago about the two officers helping a drunk women home. I think they lost their jobs after the court hearing, due to some of their bad behavior that was proven in court including making a fake 9-1-1 call to get dispatched to her building (they falsely reported a homeless man causing truoble)and they stole her blackberry cell phone.

The officers had some unexplainable behavior. Surveillance video shows them re-entering her apartment three times after they initially helped her home (staying 20 to 35 minutes each time they re-entered). They used the woman's own key (which they stole)as if they knew she would be passed out and unable to answer the door. The officer admits to snuggling with her on her bed and kissing her while she was only wearing a bra. Later the woman approached the officer and taped a conversation. Although he at times denied having sex, he also at times admitted to it.

This is beyond stupid behavior it is suspicious behavior. I understand it is not enough to convict, but it is enough to stir up doubts.

Here is a transcript of the taped conversation the woman had with the officers afterwards The officer now claims he was lying during this conversation.

Woman: “I woke up and you guys were taking advantage of me.”
Moreno: “Nobody took advantage of you.”
Woman: “You were having sex with me. I was violated.”
Moreno: “No you weren’t — nothing happened.”
Woman: “You’re lying.”
Moreno: “OK. It turned from us trying to help you to getting really crazy.”
Moreno: “What do you remember?”
Woman: “I remember getting up the stairs and waking up on the bathrooom floor. The next thing I know, I’m in my bed, you’re taking off my clothes and having sex with me.”
Moreno: “OK”
WomAn: “OK?”
Moreno: “It wasn’t done intentionally. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just got caught up. I’m sorry.”
Woman: “I need to know if I’m OK. Did you wear a condom — yes or no?”
Moreno: “Yes, I did. You don’t have to worry about any diseases or getting pregnant.”
Woman: “Was it only you?”
Moreno: “It was only me.”
Moreno: “If you stop drinking, I’ll be your boyfriend. I’m not a bad man. I’m a good friend to have.”

BTW - cops everywehere have been known to rape, steal and lie because they think they are above the law! So I have my doubts about how innocent these cops are.

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There wasn't, as usual, enough evidence to convict on the rape charges, but certainly enough there to show they acted unbecoming police officers. Too often, those in power, believe they are above the law. That it is their right. Look at the testimony saying if she would quit drinking he would be her boyfriend.

My goodness.

This is another reason women won't report rapes, this well known case was enough to convict. They won't be returning to the work.

And the lawyer she is talking about happened to be the prosecuting attorney, which is the people's attorney.

Hopefully she will bring a civil action like the Brown's did against OJ Simpson.

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