Ban on Circumcision Could Become Law in Santa Monica

Article here. Excerpt:

'SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- Circumcising a boy under the age of 18, even for religious reasons, may soon be against the law in Santa Monica.

A proposed ban on circumcision is already on the November ballot in San Francisco.

Now supporters of the MGM Bill, which stands for male genital mutilation, are hoping to do the same in Santa Monica.'

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.....on the late night shows are already making jokes about this.

Why is mutilating a male infant's genitals amusing? I thought it was prosecutable child abuse. I guess one could say that it is the most common form of sadistic pedophilia.

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Yes. And these people are probably the type who like to make jokes about prison rape, or make fun of male victims of Domestic Violence.

When women and girls suffer abuse, rape or genital mutilation it's an outrage. But when men and boys suffer a lot of people don't care.

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Guys make jokes about this, cuz we're taught that our bodies are ugly and not worthy of respect.

Penises = funny.

Would late night talk show hosts make fun of female genital mutilation? Highly doubt it; we're supposed to respect women's bodies, as both beautiful and sacred.

Male Circumcision is perhaps one of the most latent and widespread conspiracies of our time, when u think about it: so many men and women are convinced that it is necessary for cosmetic and occasionally physical reasons, to "get rid" of something completely natural we are born with.

Why does no one think that's odd?

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I think it's insane.

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