SAVE: Please thank Dr. Phil for doing show on abusive women

From a SAVE email:

Today, Dr. Phil ran a show on Angry Women, Scared Husbands. Below is the show description from his website:

'You may know that one in four women will become a victim of domestic violence, but did you know that one in nine men will too? Violence against men is rarely talked about and under-reported. Dr. Phil continues his campaign to end the silence on domestic violence with two couples willing to open up about their abusive relationships. Steve says his wife, Monica, punches him and recently pushed him down a flight of stairs. He says he’s not only afraid of her abuse, he’s afraid of how he may retaliate in the heat of anger. The couple has nine children between them – two of whom are severely disabled – and they’re worried about the effect their explosive arguments have on their kids. Then, Charlie worries she’ll get so angry at her new husband, Gary, that she’ll lash out and inadvertently kill him. Gary says that everything he does makes his wife mad, and he just can’t win. Can these women learn to control their tempers and stop the chaos before something tragic happens?'

Please send Dr. Phil an email TODAY to thank him for courageously covering this important topic:

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No way I'm supporting that hack without seeing the episode, especially after his first show in the domestic violence campaign where he said if it's a man scaring a woman, it's abuse, if it's a woman scaring a man, it's relationship issues" and then demonstrated by making them stand up and pointing out the size difference. This is nothing more then a PR spin, and I suspect the actual episode will contain more then enough to keep people in the know pissed off.

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I thought everyone was equal before the law? Ha! Ha!
If a female pushed me down some steps I would have her arrested and not drop the charges like most men who do use the law against predatory females do! And if the law refused to prosecute her then I would enforce the law myself!

And as for thanking Dr. Phil I wouldn't piss on him if his clothes suddenly caught on fire!

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Thank Dr Phil? I'd thank the network exec that had the courage to cancel his show. But thank the show or anyone on it for having "courage" to expose the issue of female on male violence? Not a chance. I would bet the male victims will simply be told to "man up" and stop complaining about it and then Dr Phil will ridicule them before his live studio audience. He's the worst kind of TV filth.

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