Underage sex study reveals selective prosecution of boys

Via email: This new study (.pdf file) on statutory rape laws found minor teens are being prosecuted and labeled "sex offenders" for consensual close-in-age sex with each other, and some states only prosecute the boys. For example, in Arizona a 13-YO boy was convicted of having consensual sex with his 15-YO girlfriend. In Texas a 17-YO boy was given 10 yrs in jail for consensual oral sex with a 15-YO girl. Excerpt:

'In some states, a gender bias in prosecuting offenders is especially prominent when both partners of a sex act are under the age of consent. Under a number of jurisdictions if both partners are minors then they are both considered to be victims and offenders of the crime at the same time. In these cases, according to the law of their respective states, the prosecution of each teen would have been called for. However, it is more common to see the prosecution of only the male. For example, in California where the age of consent is 18, a 16 year old male was prosecuted for having consensual sex with his 14 year old girlfriend. Moreover, in Arizona a 13 year old boy was convicted of having consensual sex with his older, 15 year old, girlfriend.'

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This is sheer insanity. Ten years in prison for consensual oral sex with a girl of less than three years age difference? I can not imagine anyone inhuman enough to think that this kind of thing is fair. My broken man-heart just got a new scar.

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all the other goods." Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, VIII.1155a5.

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that a 15 year old boy can be charged with aggravated sexual assault of a minor because his 15 year old girlfriend goes down on him ... that my own state still has a backdoor open to allow this type of travesty of justice.

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Hmm, not enough jobs, open prison beds, indoctrination into the system as a prisoner at an early age. The system isn't very nice is it?

David A. DeLong

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This is just another confomation of the bias double standard against males in every facet of our twisted Politically correct, feminist mentality society.It's sickening that these boys are being prosecuted and will have the stigma of "sex offender" for maybe the rest of their lives,all because they are doing what comes natual with girls their own age or in some case's with girls even older !! This is an ugly disgrace especially when considering adult women who have had sex with under aged boys and who are actually guilty of statutory rape and child molestation get little or no sentence at all in most case's. When will this type of insanity end ???

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I'm thinking about printing off a 100 or so "false allegations awareness month" flyers (see earlier posts) and papering the campus I'm working on, or perhaps the local legislative assembly, to show support for men who are falsely accused, for our police who have to endure the slander of femi-facist groups and feminist propoganda organizations, and for men everywhere who grow up in this feminized society. If 100 men distribute 100 such pamphlets this way, we may start to change perceptions. It is just so insane that the struggle for men's rights is so weak, we need to engage in this kind of grass roots resistance.

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all the other goods." Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, VIII.1155a5.

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