'Why Marriage Is Dead And Monogamy Is A Mirage'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men of power (and those that want to be like them): If you intend to play Russian Roulette with your life by having unprotected sex with any available vagina, why bring other lives into the wager by making a public commitment to another human being? And women – why do we silently put up with it – while pretending we don’t want the same thing?

Yes, women cheat – but when it happens, you would never know. I bet Jackie Kennedy had a few pool boys and stable grooms stowed away for the hard times when Jack was out banging Marilyn. When Tammy Faye Bakker watched her bible-backed empire crumble to pieces because her husband used church funds to pay off his side piece, I bet she had a pair of strong, young arms to weep into. Men of power create bonds with the most intelligent, charismatic women in the world, who join forces with them because they also want to attain the pinnacle of success. That takes passion and fire. Could that kind of energy just wither away while a wandering man gorges himself on human flesh? I doubt it.

So I applaud these women for the secret affairs they were certainly having – because they could get what they wanted and keep the peace. Today’s male philanderers should take note. When women cheat, they won’t leave a paper trail. They don’t have outside children. They don’t perform acts that border on rape, drawing media glare. I don’t judge cheating men for cheating. I judge them for being sloppy.'

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Not exactly. The woman in the Arnold affair put the name of her husband on the birth certificate. She simply lied about the father and introduced the child into the family as her husband's. A lot of women do this. It's a whole lot easier for a woman to fool her husband into believing a child is his than for a husband to fool his wife into believing a child he had by another women is hers. Most women assume if they did not have the child, it's not hers.

This has nothing to do with male sloppiness. It has to do with the nature of things. Women cheat and get away with it because they lie to their husbands about paternity--it's easy. For women, apparently, this is acceptable behavior.

As to "acts that border on rape," let's be frank: how many women are ever charged with rape? It's defined as something men do. What women do is to tell men they're on the pill so a condom is unnecessary, tricking a man into fathering a child. Or they extract DNA from a condom and impregnate themselves. A lot of men call this birth control rape, but it's perfectly legal.

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That truly is rape, and instead of stealing use of the persons sex organ (temporarily) they steal use of the most important and essentially part of sexuality, reproduction.

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