NYTimes: The Dems are in fact "too macho"

On the heels of cartwheel celebrations over the ascension of Speaker Pelosi comes this latest from the NY Times, via a New Republic senior editor, castigating the Dems for being "too macho".

I don't recall the The Times or TNR castigating them for being "too fem" a few years back.

Politics makes for strange bedfellows; it also makes for some pretty bizarre editorials, too, especially when it's that peculiar brand known as "gender politics". In the mean time, issues get lost in the shuffle and other issues (eg: father's and men's rights) never get a chance to make it to the stage. Bread and circuses!

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A Man.
And that is why the Dem's crafted this strategy.
And frankly, it is a good strategy.

Pelosi will turn out to be a liability in the end.
She was already lampooned on SNL this past weekend as having a san francisco leather clad gay man as an assistant.

This cannot play well for them as a group. It looks foolish within the scope of a world war on terrorism.

Stay tuned for further developments.

oregon dad

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You are right about war on terrorism, but it has a little appeal to me that men's gender role only becomes worthy during wars, when all men's value is only that of cheap cannon fodder. All the more that looking on today's feminazis, I'm not going to move a finger to protect them in any way.

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Without the ascension of Pelosi, the Femi-Dems might well be having a reaction to this "Democrat Macho" stuff like when Alito became a member of the Supremes.

Did I hear you say, "Macho Democrats?"

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Those silly male democrats are “playing men” for votes. What?

…um…What utter BS, I think it’s safe to ignore this idiocy? The “manly conspiracy”. Where does this garbage come from?…. Oh yeah, feminism wacky influence on society riiiight.

It never ceases to amaze me how casually women or men and especialy feminists will demand a certain mold from men and then mock them out right for stepping out side of their definition of “what a man is”.

Like, heaven forbid a guy demand a woman act more lady like but how often is man-child thrown around, same thing.

For feminists it’s simply a reverse of trad roles for your male mold. “masculinity is a product of the patriarchy and doesn’t really exist” any man choosing to define himself in what is defined as a masculine way is a worthy target of ridicule for stepping out of the feminist mold. Like lesbians being mocked for being buthchy, hypocritical feminists and some men and women mock men the same way in either direction and it’s just called opinion not hate or sexism.

“And Democrats have historically relied on a gender gap advantage — with women. If they tilt in the other direction, does that gap disappear?”

Typically the dems have ignored men outright and pandered to women for votes, are they really going to jeopardize that winning corruption by allowing party males to define themselves and considering men in office?

“If a party measures its candidates by whether they wear a uniform, carry a gun or simply look tough”

Riiiight being a man that served the country or liking football or having muscles is a political plot!!!

Is she subtly mocking the gender feminist influenced left or is the author just all kinds of messed up on gender double standards?

Strangely this reminds me off all the feminist male bashing post 911, I think Naomi Wolf did a piece mocking the coverage of fire men and heroes of the day, as being a manly republican plot for warmongering and a throwback to the evil 50’s or some ridiculous misandristic garbage, can't wait till opinions like this garnish strange glances and uncomfortable feelings not publications in major newspapers. I'm just stunned.

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