New DNC Boss Calls GOP 'Anti-Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an emotional assault on the Republicans, new Democratic Party Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz today called the GOP agenda "anti-women" and "a war on women" that will backfire on Republicans in the 2012 election and provide a cushion for President Obama's re-election bid.

"It's just so hard for me to grasp how they could be so anti-women as they are," she said at a breakfast roundtable with reporters.

"The pushback and the guttural reaction from women against the Republican's agenda out of the gate, the war on women that the Republicans have been waging since they took over the House, I think is going to not only restore but possibly helps us exceed the president's margin of victory in the next election," added the popular Florida congresswoman.

The basis of her charge was the recent vote to defund Planned Parenthood and Title 10 funding for clinics that perform abortions.'

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Democrats feel they lost seats in the house because the voter turn out for women was low. The 2012 campaign will focus primarily on women. The DNC chairperson has given us a preview of what to expect. Women will be told their victims and any lawmaker who doesn't agree with feminist politics will be labeled a sexist and woman hater. Essentially this is an attempt to anger women with the hope they'll turn out in huge numbers and vote democrat. Feminist congresswoman Carolyn Maloney has already begun the process. She's reintroducing the equal rights amendment and has stated anyone who doesn't vote for it will face a difficult re-election. I wonder how feminists will justify the billions of dollars women get in government entitlements if the ERA is passed.

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I fully agree with what Anthony wrote above,and will add that even Obama now in his speech's will give credit to women and minorites for making the country strong but not one word is mentioned about the contributions made by men,an obvious double standard to pander the vote. It is now so damned PC to portray women as always being the victims of men, and it's everywhere.... The media,the courts and now this feminist propaganda strategy is being used as a political weapon.

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I'm surprised. So you are saying women shouldn't have government entitlements and they are due such because the ERA doesn't exist. Wow!!
So we should not pass the ERA because women shouldn't get what they deserve.

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@Bob; Bob, are you saying women deserve special treatment? That they deserve government entitlements that men don't get? Is this your idea of equality?

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