MSN: Why women have the upper hand in the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ask any married couple which spouse remembers family birthdays, when the car is due for an oil change and the name of that great restaurant they went to last week, and chances are both will say it's the wife who serves as the pair's memory.

While many a wife may chalk this up to their husband's laziness, remembering detailed information may just be one of the many things that women are naturally better at than men, at least according to a new book called "Man Down: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt that Women are Better Cops, Drivers, Gamblers, Spies, World Leaders, Beer Tasters, Hedge Fund Managers, and Just About Everything Else," by Dan (yep, he's a guy) Abrams, a legal analyst for NBC News and columnist for Men's Health magazine.

In his book, Abrams provides hundreds of studies and statistics to back up his claims that women best men in a lot of areas. Some -- like memory -- were already suspected, while others -- like driving -- were more surprising considering the common view is to the contrary.'

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... that books/studies showing "categorically" that women are better than men at this or that get touted and largely unquestioned while anything suggesting the opposite is condemned as flawed, biased, sexist, etc., etc.?

I have.

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They keep pushing this crap, even when the market is drying up.

The big problem is eventually false assertions are tested and found wanting. Women are better _whatever_? Really?

Just one example that springs to mind -- my experience with Project Managers. Of the really bad ones I've experienced, at least three were women and one was a man. Of the excellent Project Managers, two were men and none were women. All the others were distributed in the acceptable range with more men at the upper end of the range than women.

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C'mon. Having been married in a past life, I can assure you my wife never remembered to change the oil. Wait--I guess I must be remembering that wrong because my memory is not as good as hers. But no--the truth is, I saw that as my responsibility and made sure it got done on time. She did not see it as her responsibility.

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The turd that wrote this trash has a connection with NBC. NBC is PC bias against males ...NBC news won't even run a story about male health issues where as they'll feature stories on female health issues several time's a week. Any poll,or study can be manipulated and twisted to fit a bias agenda.Femenist and the liberal media do this sort of thing all the time and it's amounts to nothing more then propaganda, History will tell the truth...How many Einsteins,or Newton's, Bach's or Monet's or any genius for that matter have been women ???...Or anything even close to it ??? This bought off asshole that wrote this trash artical can shove it up his ass.

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Feminists will never stop pushing this crap

You remember Rosin, the one who proclaimed "The End of Men"? For some reason she was at the initiative for boys conference and she made statements amounting to questioning why we would help boys when men make up the majority of CEOs. Despite the incredibly ridiculous and twisted logic there she jumped from saying men, or future boys, are going to be less successful in the female dominated world that is on its way to saying that men are too successful so we shouldn't help boys... So feminists can one minute say women are superior and phasing out men but as soon as we even think of helping out boys women are weak and vulnerable.

Hana Rossin at the Boys initiative conference

I have no idea why this scum was given time at a boys initiative. In her long presentation before her point was that females measure up better in this "new age" and girls are out competing boys and this is what we have to accept. She said we have to find another place for boys in a world where females are better adapted.

She just says accept that boys are less educated (meaning they never get the right start) and let boys find a place in a female dominated world. How the fuck can a woman claiming the superiority of women and the natural order of boys doing worse than girls in school ever cone to a conference on boys?

Does she think her son will be ok with her getting in the way of helping boys while celebrating men's failures? Does she even think her daughter or the next generation of women will be anything but pissed at feminists for fucking over their future boyfriends and husbands?

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This reminds me of an "opinions" poll I took at a shopping mall some years ago.
Among the many questions was this one: what kind of knick-knacks were in the waiting room? I hadn't a clue. Geesh. The conclusion of the poll were eagerly given at the end (by women, no less) to show how women were more detailed and observant, because they invariably knew what knick-knacks where present.

Now, if what was present was a model Mercedes SLS with the gullwing doors or a '57 Chevy Bel Air, would the women "intuitively" know those details? Or, rather, wouldn't they just say "little silver car" or "old red car" or not acknowledge them at all?

Having been in IT and the printing industry, does observing the form # I was filling out and what company printed the form mean anything? The typos and grammar mistakes on the form? Did observing the type of computer system and Operating System, as well as the software that might have been used to produce said document not count for anything? How about the network setup and switches/hubs being used? No?
Just the knick-knacks in the waiting room. Bummer.

Do I really need to be alert regarding the shoes women wear for others to acknowledge my observant nature?

Questions need to be gender neutral and not tailored to a gender's natural interest if you want accurate responses. Or, is the bias intentional?


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