Experts Call for Expanding Boys' Career Options

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the nearly four decades since Title IX of the federal Civil Rights Act barred sex discrimination in education, educators and policymakers have encouraged more girls to study and enter traditionally “male” careers, from science and technology to architecture and law.

With male-dominated fields like construction now stagnant, however, experts argue that the situation may be reversed: American schools don’t do enough to encourage boys to explore careers in traditionally female-dominated fields, such as health care and education.

Experts at a forum hosted Tuesday by the Washington-based Boys Initiative called for the creation of a White House Council on Boys to Men, similar to the existing White House Council on Women and Girls, to organize policies and support.'

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It's all very well saying encourage more males into traditionally female jobs but until people stop assuming all men who want to work with kids are 'suspicious' or have doubtful motives we won't get anywhere.

FFS, British Airways wouldn't even allow male passengers to sit next to children to whom they were unrelated, so what would make men feel any more welcome in the classroom?

No, this requires a hell of a lot of work on the part of MRAs and others before we see the necessary changes in people's perceptions.

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I agree that this is a token gesture that will end up making no significant differences in the workplace until the social prejudices you mention are eroded away, but still this can be viewed as a trickle of water towards those prejudices that can begin that very erosion.

Until men are welcome in the nursery, women will never make significant gains in the boardroom without the "positive discrimination" (there is no such thing) that we have enforced by law today.

The current approach, laws to force men to make room for women in traditionally male areas of dominance while maintaining traditionally female areas of dominance as exclusively female is simply not sustainable long term and will lead to complete social collapse. Sine there has never existed Patriarchy without Matriarchy at any point in history, the current campaign to destroy one and empower the other cannot lead to success.

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