Womensinfidelity.com Covers the Issue

Thanks to nbdspcl for mentioning http://womensinfidelity.com/ in a comment in a recent post. I have never seen the issue addressed seriously like this anywhere else. Anyone read the book? Don't forget to read some of the posts on their message board. Anyone doubting this issue is real, just put on your reading glasses.

My own take on this issue is that marital/LTR infidelity has been with us since the dawn of humanity. It will always be with us, for many reasons. I am making this post not to be picking on women as a group on this topic, as infidelity is an equal opportunity employer! I am pointing the site out because too many people think that 'tis only men (or largely only men) who do not keep faithful to partners when infidelity exists, and this just ain't true!

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---I stopped reading after it hit the second set of reader comments
{What men are doing to make it worse}
Meh. I've not cheated on my man, and he (I hope so) never on me. We've been together for two years. We talk a bit, and (X rated details deleted.)

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Heh heh heh, well, message boards get all kinds as we here on MANN know. >) For my part I have to take such sites as a whole, since you are bound to get all kinds showing up to a site like that (and like this one, too!). Take what seems to work, leave the rest. It's progress just that such a site actually exists and that women are being challenged somewhere to work on their infidelity problems without the usual "it is his fault" horse-crap that men have been getting now for millenia.

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The writer says, "Women's relationships and marriages will continue to follow this same pattern unless (a) males develop an accurate understanding of females ─ particularly in regard to their sexuality and (b) females develop an accurate understanding of themselves ─ particularly in regard to their sexuality"

Overall this is a pretty good post, but once again it is men who must come to understand women, and never the other way around.

Here's the bottom line on "relationship" articles, columns etc: They are NEVER written by men..I have never seen a single one in over twenty years..and I have read hundreds of articles, in dozens of publications. They are without exception written by women. Therefore, we will ALWAYS get a female perspective on these issues in the media, never the male (with the exception of certain books - see below). And when men readers write in to these columnists, they are often ridiculed, their problems trivialized or they are in some way blamed or put on the defensive regarding their specific situation (except for the occasional token vaguely-supportive-sounding response by the "expert" columnist).
The fact is that men have better things to do than write this fluff..like mainly about the war in Iraq, political analyses and other important news. Of course I'm not saying that relationships themselves are not important, but it is true that "those who can't do teach", so it is no wonder that these "experts" are usually unmarried, or at least that is my suspicion judging by what they write.
It is probably good to have internet sites like the one posted, so that men can be heard, but since the person(s) running/editing the sites are usually women we still tend overall to get the female perspective. I am not saying they are necessarily dishonest, for example knowingly giving women's opinions more space (on the other hand, we probably get more women submitting posts on these sites than men). I'm sure some of these columnists are well-intentioned and therefore do not recognize their "built-in" bias.
The only exception is the occasional book by someone like Warren Farrell, who refresingly gives us the man's outlook on some of these issues..but without bias against women. I think it says something about people, that men writers give more BALANCED advice and commentary than do women. They are more fair-minded. (no-one ever mentions that in public since it is not a PC statement).

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