How to 'train' your husband - treat him like an animal

Check your blood pressure after reading this piece of misandry. Despite the disclaimer that this is not a tryoical 'men bad - women good' article - it is.

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i really cant offer much insight...but if male bigotry was defined in websters...this article would be included. now we are animals??...we need to be trained??..i will state the obvious....could i guy get away with writing an article about how women don't properly disgard their tampons? ..maybe the article might include information on how to teach a woman to drive. (i dont let my girlfriend drive...i'm to young to die) maybe we can "train" women to solve problems with logic, and not with emotion..

i would never write such an article....i don't generalize anyone based on ignorant stero-types. imagine if she included an ignorant comment about a black man?/..

i'm not married, but i have a girlfriend. she doesn't try and "train" me (she couldnt if she tried)...i believe many relationships have failed because of my theory: do women love a man for what he is, or what she expects him to become? many women feel it is their god given right to change their partner..this could explain such a high divorce rate.

the only time a woman has ever trained me was when i was 2....i thank my mommy for toilet training me..

this writer thinks men can be trained like an animal?...have her spend a few weeks in africa with 5 male leopards...lets see if she can train them>?


my girlfriend read the article and thought the writer was an idiot. i must admitt, there was a time i tried to change her, but she resisted because....well, let me put it this way..she didn't like the idea of bringing her hot sister in our "pleasure activities"....i'm being silly...and i love it!...


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A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does. And then, she will incessantly attempt to mold and remold "her" man into the ideal according to her ever changing standards. Never a moments rest! But does he really change or is he just accommodating her to keep the peace, or perhaps, to get a piece? If a guy concedes enough of himself on the bargaining table, does he cease to be who he really is?

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This article is a retread of many articles advocating treating men like dogs.

However, doesn't it go both ways? Can't a man train his wife like a dog? Or is it that Men are generally honest and direct which is a prerequisite for any animal training.

Some undesirable behavior that women do isn't very amenable to the "praise good behavior / ignore bad behavior" approach.

If you ignore a woman's tendency to gossip, scheme, manipulate, etc, that'll come back to bite you somewhat quickly...

They say that the only two legitimate uses of the shock collar is if a dog is chasing joggers or cars. For women, would that be things like: her beating the kids, attacking the neighbors... :-)

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You definately can't ignore a woman's covert behaviors, such as gossiping and scheming

I believe it is women's approach to bad behavior is one of the main factors that keeps everyone so confused and also them out of the legal system. the legal system only detects overt behaviors. Women commit most offences in an covert way for the purposes of not being detected. Women ALWAYS have deniability when they do something wrong. They either have some one or something lined up to blame, or they deny it altogether, or they have some other reason why it's not their fault.

"The dog got into the garbage and that's why my tampons are on the floor"

Men don't plan our misdeeds that way. We are of the notion that if we do the crime we can do the time. So if we leave our socks out and we know we are going to get bitched at for it, we will simply take the bitching and move on with our day. Once it's over and we've been bitched at we forget all about it because we feel that we paid our price and now everything is good again. Of course we also have a strong sence of fairness and justice and we will react harshly if we feel like we are getting far to many nagging sessions for petty little offences like leaving our socks out.

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Notice- if a man consistantly throws out nothing but negativity towards his wife it's called abuse and he must accept responsibilty for his actions and change his ways.
When a woman consistantly throws negativity towards her husband, her new attitude is considered "training" for her husband (RE: no accountability or responsibility on her part. no abuse acusations) and she is rewarded with praise and adulation for her incredible wisdom in realizing how to turn "his" behavior around.
Tough being a woman isn't it?

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