Video: Male Baby Getting Circumcision

Video here. Male circumcision has been getting a lot of media attention lately because of the proposed ban in San Francisco. Supporters of the practice include religious leaders and people who still think its beneficial because of hygiene. STD / HIV prevention has been inconclusive. I suspect most people debating this issue have never actually seen a baby circumcised.

***WARNING*** This video is EXTREMELY graphic! This is only meant for responsible individuals looking to further educate themselves on MGM. You Tube requires an age verification before viewing it.

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I think it is better to be circumcised. Healthwise. I know it's probably a differing opinion considering this website.

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This is the first comment that appears out of 457 who've watched the video on You Tube.

Posted by 'heatherlynn 1369' --

"I see nothing wrong with having this done to our sons. Im due to have my son next month and best believe hes getting it done!!! Its what I believe I would NEVER touch a man that didnt have it done cause that is gross as hell in my opinion. Everyone has their own opinions on this some dont like it and think its wrong other like ME dont think theres anything wrong with it. All 3 of my brothers had it done and they are just fine my man has it done and he doesnt have problems so i dont see the prob."


I've noticed a disturbing trend. Women who support the procedure simply because they don't like the way an uncircumsized penis looks like. If a mother truly believes circumcision is beneficial for her sons health -- I respectfully disagree but don't consider her a bad mother because I don't believe she being malicious. Its the women who make a life changing decision based on aesthetics. These women shouldn't have children.

I say women and mothers because I suspect they have the final say whether the child is circumcised. Regrettably, I don't think many fathers care.

As for Jews who see circumcision as an important ritual, your religious freedom is secondary to the genital integrity of the child. I applaud the US for outlawing FGM but am also sickened by the hypocrisy. Each genders body should have the same value. The proposed San Francisco ban has been met with Jewish opposition and some have claimed antisemitism. I respectfully ask these Jewish leaders not play the PC card and request they stop thrusting themselves in the role of victim. Its about the integrity of the child's body, not past oppression of your religion. The Jewish faith is strong enough to survive if you eliminate this 'ritual'.

Hygiene? This comes up a lot. How insulting is it to suggest a man doesn't know how to clean himself. We trust and respect a woman's right to keep her body clean and men should expect the same courtesy.

STD / HIV -- Where a condom -- problem solved

Amputation is the last resort when preventing illness. I don't see doctors removing an infants appendix to prevent appendicitis.

One last thought. Be careful, I've read many articles about the subject and another common theme brought up by some women is abortion rights. They seem to think male circumcision is unimportant because of abortion restrictions. I don't understand how they equate the two. Maybe they can't except the fact that its not always about them. In this case, its about boys.

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I respect your right as an individual to support circumcision. I've been with MANN for several years and as a rule, we never tell other men what to do or how to think. I can't say the same for feminist sites where women are expected to all think the same.

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dooquidis4ever, as said above we try not to tell people to think one way or another, but I will encourage you, especially if you ever have sons or are ever consulted for your opinion by someone who is, to research the topic more closely. There's genuinely very little research to support any significant health benefits, and any sketchy health benefits are usually canceled out by sketch health risks. People will cite penile cancer reduction, an extremely rare form of cancer, but not mention that infants literally die in the US every year from this procedure for a variety of complications, others lose complete use of their penis or are disfigured in some way. Can't be selective about that kind of stuff.

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From the youtube comment:

Im due to have my son next month and best believe hes getting it done!!! Its what I believe I would NEVER touch a man that didnt have it done cause that is gross as hell in my opinion.

What would be the reaction to this?

Prospective father insists that he will have his newborn daughter sexually mutilated because, in his opinion, a normal vulva is "gross as hell".

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I like Anthony's post above.

However, I really don't want to turn this into a "which gender is most responsible for circumcision" debate. I too am disgusted by the comment posted above about an uncut penis being "gross", but I have heard just as many similar comments from cut men.

I think it is best if we stay focused on commenting on boards that will make people think about their logic and on activism that will really make a difference.

I recently gave birth to my daughter (gender was a surprises) but in the hospital while preparing for the birth, I was asked about circumcision for a boy. I said no, but I was given the literature anyways (I also was given similar literature when I had my two boys). Although the hospital considers this "non-biased" literature, as it lists the pros and cons of circumcision, I personally feel it is biased towards circ as it lists the "studies show circ prevents HIV" garbage.

It would be great if IntacAmerica could stop this literature from being given to new parents.

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I have no idea why my post came out all bolded. wierd. it was not bolded when I pushed "preview". I'll have to wait and see if this post comes out bolded as well.

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That's all it was. I fixed it.

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