Position Vacant: Fulltime Male Staff Anthropologist
Submitted by Minuteman on Sat, 2011-04-30 12:16
Link to posting here. ??? Excerpt:
'Australian Cultural Heritage Management is seeking written expressions of interest for a suitably qualified and experienced Male Consultant Anthropologist to join our Adelaide team. ACHM is an Adelaide-based cultural heritage consulting firm specialising in:
There is a full-time position available. The position will be responsible for providing anthropological services in South Australia and Western Australia with some potential work in Victoria, but will be based in the Adelaide office.'
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Readers including me may get some satisfaction of a "There, now how does it feel??" type when reading this but I have to ask myself why such a requirement is needed?
There is without a very good reason no excuse for insisting on a person's sex being a factor in them getting a job, not in any direction. I feel very strongly about that. Fair is fair, discrimination is discrimination. I wonder why they are so insistent that the applicants all be men?
I wonder why they are so insistent that the applicants all be men?
I guess it is the same as the military draft where only males are required by law to sign up on their 18th birthday or suffer dire consequences.
Perhaps after years of
Perhaps after years of pushing for female applicants they noticed how unbalanced their staff was, and came to the only conclusion they could think of, push for male applicants. Hiring the most qualified individuals likely didn't cross their mind.