Equal Pay for Women Act Brings Battle of the Sexes to Life in Louisiana
Article here. Excerpt:
'BATON ROUGE, La. - Rep. Barbara Norton has reintroduced the “Equal Pay for Women Act,” which would give the state power to correct and eliminate discriminatory wage practices based on sex for comparable work.
The bill would grant employees, who believe they are underpaid because of their gender, the opportunity to petition for a wage increase. After the employee files a written complaint, the employer has 90 days to rectify the situation. After 90 days, the employee could initiate a civil lawsuit against the employer to recoup back wages and damages.
“Regardless of the job, if a woman has the same qualifications as a man, I see no reason why they should not make the same amount of money,” says Norton.
The proposal comes on the heels of U.S. Census Bureau data that shows full-time female employees make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, while Louisiana’s women earned less than 70 cents when compared to their male counterparts.'
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Equal pay
Generally people are paid what they are worth, otherwise they would leave for higher pay elsewhere or the employer can give them a raise if he does not believe he can replace them with a equal or lesser paid worker. It is all about supply and demand.
Anyway, this proposal is a terrible thing. More government interference with how private businesses conduct private business.
From the article: “Regardless of the job, if a woman has the same qualifications as a man, I see no reason why they should not make the same amount of money,”
I can think of plenty of reasons. It is not all about "qualifications". It is about outcome, results, efficiency, co-worker relations, customer relations, etc. Infact, I can see this hurting working mothers in the long run. The boss may not be so easy on her for taking time off for tending to sick children or time spent talking on the phone to solve problems on the home front, etc. Usually this type of stuff falls onto mothers and generally why sometimes they are paid less. If a boss is going to have to wind up paying her equal to a man that does not have to deal with kids and the home front, then the boss may not be so willing to overlook this stuff.
Women are not known to be as loyal and work for a company for as long compared to a man. This is understandable as it is usually due to pregnancy, raising kids, and putting husband's career first such in cases of relocating. It is also understandable that an employer would take this into consideration when determining wages.
Republican Democrat doesn't matter here, not to men's rights
"After the employee files a written complaint, the employer has 90 days to rectify the situation. After 90 days, the employee could initiate a civil lawsuit against the employer to recoup back wages and damages."
Wow, what is the intent there?
Basically the female employee would be making a threat to Sue and the employer may be expecting to "rectify" the situation which is only determined by said employee... that is blackmail.
The danger here is that lawsuits cost money and bringing up a lawsuit but asking employers to rectify the situation out of court gives the incentive to just pay her more anyways... or not hire iffy women to begin with. What a gross liability and how are people supposed to seriously bargain, in a way that's fair to all employees, after a lawsuit threat has been made?
“Regardless of the job, if a woman has the same qualifications as a man, I see no reason why they should not make the same amount of money,” says Norton.
Scary!!! She says qualifications and not work... and once again the bill is not even gender neutral which just leads to abuse.
Who's using this gap to their advantage?
I often hear people complain about the unfair wage gap. My response is to present a challenge.
I challenge them to name a company that has successfully used this (alleged) gap as an advantage, and hired only women at all levels of the organization as a competitive, cost reduction strategy. Despite the existence of thousands of companies in this country, I've yet to hear anybody that can name a single one that has done it.
So what we have is a country where EVERY company is part of a conspiracy to discriminate against women. To perpetuate this conspiracy ALL companies are willing to break the law (wage discrimination is illegal). Many layoff thousands, close down operations, go bankrupt, and move operations out of the country; anything but challenge the conspiracy. EVERY executive accepts discharge rather than stop overpaying men.
That's some conspiracy.
Tried to get my sister with that challenge
She told me that it was, in fact, men just wanting to hire their brothers. And while I point out that myself, and every other white male I know of has NEVER benefited from anything like that, she just continues to believe the hype.
When I pointed out the facts from every other non-feminist web-page, and facts from actual third-party non-interests proved time and again that not only does the gap not exist the way she believes, it is actually "against" men. She just goes to NOW or some other site and pulls up their BS where they took data from the government sampling and distorted it to show that Jane down the road working in IT doesn't make the same amount of Bill Gates even though she has a college degree. ~_~
Quite simply, it is easier to just give up and form an island where only men and women who understand and know the truth are allowed in or just basically give up as most women really truly are unable to comprehend that things really aren't that unfair to them and men do, really, have many of the same problems that women had 50 years ago.
every single company throws away money for the hell of it...
"She told me that it was, in fact, men just wanting to hire their brothers. And while I point out that myself, and every other white male I know of has NEVER benefited from anything like that, she just continues to believe the hype."
That's not an answer. Not only is it the norm for companies to care first and foremost about profit, even if it means OUTSOURCING your sister is trying to argue that ALL THE COMPANIES are willing to hire more expensive people who don't produce more just because their brothers. (Funny seeing how companies merge, let go, outsource, and do everything else to make a profit).
You may be right that she is going to other sites and what not just to hear the same victimization lie over and over... what a sad way to try and move up in the world.
every single company throws away money for the hell of it...
Fondueguy said:
Not only is it the norm for companies to care first and foremost about profit, even if it means OUTSOURCING your sister is trying to argue that ALL THE COMPANIES are willing to hire more expensive people who don't produce more just because their brothers.
Exactly. The argument boils down to claiming that the powerful, evil males that care only about making money, aren't really interested in making money. Not just some of them - ALL of them.
The Question Is.
Are men in the state involved actively seeking ways to block this act from passing and turning into law??
the answer is
probably not!
that's why these idiots keep trying to get them passed.
decades of no resistance from men against these type laws
are exactly why we automatically lose our kids, automatically
get hit with unlimited child support, and have laws that read like
'he will continue to maintain her in the lifestyle to which she has
become accustomed'.
imho - folks in this country are soon to realize the hard way that favored treatment,
based on things like gender or race, is dumb, expensive, harmful and wrong.
MLK was right about this subject. too bad bho doesn't understand it.
Free ride for free loaders
The dim Rep. evidently never heard of job performance, where one employ could be a lazy lay about and another could be a hard worker. This dim Rep. seems to think comparable work deserves equal pay. Who's going to say what's "comparable," the central collective, or the supervisor on the scene gauging the output of work being done?
This reintroduced law is nothing but misandry in action.