Violent women

Another example of women acting badly--- in this case, beating the bejeesus out of another woman. Note the men in the area do next to nothing to stop it. Why? Fear of being accused of being violent to the attacking women, perhaps? We can only speculate.

When feminists talk about women not being 'inherently violent' or some other such nonsense, this is yet another video you can send to them.

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If two white girls attacked a black women, the white women would undoubtedly be charged with a hate crime. Lets see if this white woman who was brutally attacked gets the same justice. I doubt it because in are politically correct society, we've been manipulated to believe only white people are capable of hate. (especially white men)

Also, its seems feminists don't care about female on female violence, only male on female violence.

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It's a shame that it's degenerated into a plain racism and hate discussion all across the net.


Found an interesting video with further analysis on the happening:

These notes are in sync to the original video, not my review:
:17 seconds In an employee makes a possible attempt at breaking it up
:18 seconds they walk away first time
:21 "shes a man"
:27 this girl clawed/called us to the ---- face?
:45 I did not ---- disputes her doing anything to deserve that
:57 leave again
1:00 "where's my phone?" I think the white girl says that and black girl mocks her
1:11 weave falls out
1:18 they start dragging her out
1:26 old women comes in to save the day tries pulling girls apart and attacker is visibly agro vs everyone as she says GET OFF A-ME
1:44 boob apparently falls out of shirt, employee goes over to apparently cover it up and comes back bragging about copping a feel
2:06 how dare you ___ old lady says after being pushed
2:09 you hear a loud thud, the attacker probably kneed the girl in the face on the way out hitting the back of her head on the trash bin. This seems to be the blow that did her in as she immediately starts to sieze afterward.
Girl starts to sieze
Hair all over the place
"Her mouth bleedin'"
Has no one heard what to do when someone has a seizure?
I guess shitty employee training
Black girl asks "where's my phone?"
At the end the videotaper tells the girl to leave before the cops arrive. This makes me think he knows the attacker personally.

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In the old days, perhaps 30 years ago, men would break this fight up right away. They would jump in there and stop it, even if that meant they would get hurt. Sorry ladies, your feminism crap has eliminated these white knight men who will put themselves at risk for you. Feminists really need to think about what kind of protection men used to provide, and how they are no longer willing to provide those services, and why that is so.

These days, the courts have made it clear that if a man is involved, then he's by default declared to be the perpetrator. If I was a man witnessing this, I too would be reluctant to get involved. Just like the domestic violence scene, the women would probably get off scott free, but the man, who was attempting to stop it, would probably be accused as the perpetrator.

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So true, but the real and delicious irony in this is after 30+ years of feminism there may be many white knights, but they are not willing to step in to defend a woman being seriously assaulted by other women!

No, today's white knight is the anonymous blogger, or 'liberal' academic advocating the mass-extermination of all men (Mr Pellissier, I'm talking about you!)

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Seems that the victim was a trans-gender female? Was this person attacked because they were white, or trans-gender? The brutality of the attack makes no difference really, does it? What does make a difference is the tacit way the community reacted to female violence, without real shock, without real remorse, just another opportunity for the press, or perhaps more laws being enacted that we don't need? Or, was this person a regular, and had exchanged words with these two women with the knowledge of the employees, and this was the culmination of a series of events? The two girls feeling justified in their planned attack before it happens due to words of encouragement from the employees? Then things go bad and the manager calls the police. Could have been. We don't know.

David A. DeLong

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Alas, I truly hope I never have to bear witness to such an event for I suffer from an extremely short temper. I still remember, almost two decades now, when I saw someone getting mugged at night on a busy spanish street. Tons of people around, walking, sitting at bars, all of them looked on as I, my old man and another tourist ran after the mugger. All of them looking at us like we were crazy. None of them moving a finger to help. If I was at the location of this video I fear I would have been arrested by now on two counts of assault.

I doubt people didn't move a finger to help because it were women doing the violence. I find that it's simply a gut reaction for most people to shy from displays of violence, regardless of who is perpetrating. If you take a close look at most videos of urban violence, you will notice that while dozens of people are more than happy to look on, record it on their cellphones or even make mocking remarks, it's usually just one person trying to break it up.

So, yeah, this video displays clearly that gender does not affect in the least the ability or propensity to commit acts of violence, but I don't feel it demonstrates that onlookers are being driven to inaction by gender-related issues.

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