'Angry Men'

I came across this web site and thought I'd share it. Watch the video, you will I am sure get a lot out of it. The amount of baggage that so many men are carrying around even to this day astounds me, and I have heard all kinds of stuff in my day. Whenever someone wonders where a man's anger comes from, the answer is *usually* pretty straightforward: it's somewhere in his past.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation in any way with the owner of the web site. I just thought the video he produced was some damn good $hit.

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Men have been invaded at every aspect. There are no more men only clubs, there are no more mens' groups, and every where men congregate there are women. We have been dissociated from our peers while the women have strengthened their control and invasion of the mens' world. This was not done in a void, it was done on purpose, the end result control over the males of society. Most men of today would not know how to act around a man of over a hundred years ago, and that is a true shame. We as men need to listen to our hearts, and quit listening to the women, that is unless they agree, and are speaking common sense. Otherwise we might as well go out and buy a dress, shave our legs, that is soon the horizon isn't it?, and just quit claiming that we are men. Once we have become mindless consumers without morals or purpose we will then fit into this corrupt system. That is our future, unless we remember what it is to truly be a man.

David A. DeLong

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Its not that we need to quit listening to the women in our life; it is that we need to stop seeking APPROVAL from the women in our life.

We all have screwed up things in our past. It doesn't matter if we came from a home of hell & torment, or one where our parents placed us on a pedestal. For far too many of us, (and myself included for a long time) it was ingrained in us to not rock the boat, to try to smooth things over, to seek the approval & praise of woman. Many of us developed a kind of fk'd up mindset that if we simply gave others enough of what they needed, people in turn would give us what we needed. Reality doesn't always work that way, and when it doesn't -- if that is the programming, the solution is, of course, to try harder. When that doesn't work -- anger sets in, and we end up pissed off, resentful, and many other things.

I'm not discounting the true injustices that exist. From 18 on I started off 100K in debt to a CS system that was drawing interest & penalties greater than my income at the time. I'm 40 now, and I'm still recovering from the damage; nor could I fully calculate the costs to me of some of those injustices. We have a ton of work to do to fix things there.

...Its just that, our programming can be changed. Our habits can be changed. Fears overcome, and we *can* start living for, expecting, demanding, and eventually getting the things we need without having to resort to throwing away the things that are good, and valuable. To get there requires a ton of shedding of false beliefs, overcoming a lot of fears, coming up with what we truly understand are our non-negotiable terms, and being willing to stand up for them. It may come at a cost, but what we lose in doing it is trivial in comparison to what can be gained.

I understand the bitterness so many hang on to, but at some point it ceases to serve a purpose, and the only way ahead is to let it go.

Good luck, and God bless.

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