Is Yale University Sexist?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last month, 16 Yale students and recent graduates filed a confidential complaint with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights alleging that in violation of Title IX—which bans sex discrimination in schools—Yale maintains a hostile environment for women that denies them equal access to educational opportunities. The Office for Civil Rights has already begun to investigate. If it finds Yale in violation, the university could lose approximately $500 million in federal funding.

Is the complaint really plausible?

In the classroom, on the athletic fields and elsewhere throughout campus life, women at Yale are prospering. In 2010, female undergraduates outnumbered male undergraduates 2,663 (50.5%) to 2,616 (49.5%). Yale aggressively recruits, promotes and retains female faculty. Four of the university's top eight administration officers are women. The dean of Yale College is a woman. So is the dean for special projects.

More broadly, women's gains in higher education over the past 50 years testify to the friendliness of the environment. In 1960, women earned 10% of doctorates nationwide; by 2009, they earned 52%. In 1960, women earned 35% of bachelor's degrees and 32% of master's degrees; today they earn 57% and 60%, respectively. In 1960, total fall enrollment in degree-granting U.S. institutions was 36% female; today it is roughly 57%.'

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A feminist was ranting about why engineering school wasn't more equal. A man piped up and said Agreed. Let's make nursing school and dental hygiene school a strict 50/50 male female quota. The feminist had nothing to say. Feminists dont want equality, they want it all.

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Society is not nearly sensitive enough to the needs of men and boys in these circumstances. Boys who are transitioning from school to university are at great risk of drug and alcohol addiction, and violence. Much of this arises from the biological needs of the male body and psyche - the need to "be a man." The bar that is set to qualify as a "man" is so high, not many of us can attain it. In fact, "being a man" is a tool used by propogandanists to antognize young men into acts of violence. Women are in control of schools, hospitals, and universities. At this point in history, women have more rights, better health care, better education, and a better chance at a good life. Reproduction should be a basic right of every man! God bless.

"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all the other goods." Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, VIII.1155a5.

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