"Manning Up" Book Harshly Judges Young Men Going Their Own Way

Kay Hymowitz, author of "Manning Up: Has The Rise Of Women Turned Men Into Boys?" offers her judgments about young men in this interview. She praises the recent advances women have made relative to men. Then she condemns and shames young men which, she says, aren't "grown up" until they are on their own, making the big bucks, married, and having children. In this humble contributor's estimation, what she's saying is "if men aren't doing what women want them to, i.e., following the female dream scenario, then they aren't grown up." I say that these young men are doing what makes the most sense, given the hostile legal and social environment surrounding dating and marriage. More specifically, young men are going their own way, and not doing what the women want them to do. So I receive this interview as a complaint about the fact that men aren't supporting women like they used to do... and women don't like it. Excerpt:

'So the child-man is the young guy who finds himself in this new era of preadulthood and doesn't quite feel himself a man, and is of course not a child, but is still very attached to many of his adolescent pleasures, and hangs out a lot with his bros.'

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It's not that there is not some truth that issue in men nowadays, the problem is that *feminazists do want us to grow up* so we can fit in what you so well put it:

the hostile legal and social environment surrounding dating and marriage

think about it, if we don't grow up, who will they be ruining with DV and child support cases???

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Another women trying to tell men who they are (appropriate masculinity) and shame them into doing what she wants.

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Why should men hurry up and turn into good providers? We live in a day and age when men are demanded to provide yet that same provision is marginalized. I know if I was a young man I would be in no hurry at all to start supporting a woman that would more than likely (divorce rate at around 70% and 70% of those are initiated by women)take most of what I made. No incentive for men to "grow up" with women today thinking men are put on this earth to exploit. If we had true equality this would not be an issue. Most women idea of equality is a man on his knees with his billfold open..that's a "grown man" to many.

*there are always exceptions...always

Best regards,
Monday Warrior

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