Rape Liar Victim Suing New York City For $30 Million

Story here. Excerpt:

'The innocent man who was wrongly imprisoned for nearly four years because of false rape charges is now suing the city for his ordeal. William McCaffery is seeking $20 million in compensatory damages, as well as another $10 million for what he calls "conduct...so outrageous as to exceed the bounds of all common and civilized decency."

McCaffrey was sentenced in 2006 after Biurny Peguero Gonzalez testified that he and two other men raped her at knife point in a van parked in Upper Manhattan in September 2005. She later recanted that statement, and admitted she made the whole thing up in order to cover for a fight with some of her female friends. McCaffrey says in his suit that cops knew he didn't inflict bite wounds on Peguero, which was used as evidence against him at trial: "Aware that this fact would provide an alternate explanation for the cause of Ms. Peguero's injuries, defendants...told the young women that the true nature of their fight was insignificant and instructed them not to mention it," says the suit, which names specific police and prosecutors.'

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He deserves a lot more that a measley $30 Million!

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Even if male lawyers don't give a damn about other men, I would think that they would be swarming around outrageous cases such as these. They should be smelling the big bucks, and in this economy I would think they would be initiating more cases challenging the many abuses of men that feminism has brought with it. Why are lawyers not mounting more cases like this one? I don't understand it.

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Know how to tell the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead lawyer in the road? The dead snake has tire skid marks close to it! That may explain why lawyers are not defending men.

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