Top 10 Men’s Rights Issues

Article here. Excerpt:

'The editors at the Good Men Project Magazine asked if I could write a piece on the top 10 issues for men’s rights activists (MRAs). As I am only one man, I felt I could not speak for the rest of the community on how we prioritize issues. So I came up with 17 things we consider problems men face and set up a poll. (I would like to thank everyone who voted, especially from Men’s Rights Reddit.)

It is important to note that the poll is far from perfect. It has a small sample size, and the ability to pick a single issue did not go over well with many MRAs—in their mind, the goals of the movement aren’t so easily prioritized—they’re all important and interconnected. That said, while this poll isn’t perfect, it does, to some degree, reflect the distribution of priorities among those MRAs who participated.'

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What else would I add... well, Selective Service, though that may fit into another category in there already, and of course, MGM (circumcision). Any others that seemed to get missed out? Admittedly, this was a "Top X" list, so just because an item isn't mentioned doesn't mean someone(s) isn't/aren't thinking about it.

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I think the selective service issue could fall under the category of having equal or similar programs for men and women.

That is the issue I voted for because of what it can do for men directly, changing the "women are eternal victims" and "men only perpetrators or weak if their victims", reducing over funding to women's groups, and increasing funding to men's supporters.

What disappointed me the most was how low of a priority boys education was. Thinking on it, I think it doesn't get enough attention throughout MRM, at least on the internet. I think its really important that boys do get an education and I don't know the consequences to them if things keep going the way their going. Also, if we are to solve the boy crisis we would need to research boys, understand their psychology, and then help them out. That could help more than just school! And lastly it could bring to the forefront the issue of a lack of male role models.

If this pole is somewhat representative of the MRM's relative interest in the "boy crisis" then we definitely need change it to a higher priority.

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