UK: Sexism is dead, say most British WOMEN

Article here. Excerpt:

'It may come as a surprise to those who feel they’ve hit the glass ceiling or heard one too many blonde jokes.

Most women do not believe that Britain is a sexist place, a poll has revealed.

Fewer than four in ten say they have experienced derogatory remarks or behaviour because of their gender.

And the majority of men and women think both sexes are equally capable of handling challenging and traditionally male tasks, such as making a safe emergency landing in an aeroplane.

The results of the survey, carried out for a group of charities and pressure groups, suggest that most women are far more concerned with solving day-to-day practical problems in their lives than fighting a battle for equality.'


Relatedly, Sexism as a 'war' among women.

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No suggestion it seems that it could also be directed against men.

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Oh ya, on the RTZM article posted on the good men's project listing the top ten MR issues, freeing men from male role model was number ten. Holding men to the make role model ("man up", draft, chivalry, provider, suck it up, don't stay home, etc...) is sexist. I'm not sure if its a problem that It came in last; maybe because its a social issue. Anyways I wonder if men recognizing and calling out sexism towards men in general comes after focusing on more severe injustices like fathers rights, DV industry, and so forth.

I wonder if after we start swing with those things then men will say "are you calling me x because I'm a man" or "you saying I can't do y because I'm a man?". (As a side thought I don't think women will like men's general liberation, abandoning male role, very much and first pushing against big injustices foremost is the better idea. Latter the liberation attitude will come.)

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