Women Are Probably Going To Hate The Men’s Version Of The Feminist Revolution

Article here. Excerpt:

'A couple of days ago, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who could fairly be described as a feminist. Not a conservative feminist — a feminist in the traditional sense of the word.

I remarked to her that over the last few decades, women’s ideals, in everything from dating, to careers, to their life in general, have changed quite a bit while men’s ideals, hopes and dreams have been much more static over that same time period. She agreed and said feminism hasn’t done a good job of “helping men” reach their potential. My response to that was that when it finally arrives, she probably won’t like the men’s revolution any more than most men enjoyed the feminist version.'

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Yes, women have been used to oppress men through the abuse of laws within the jurisdiction of the justice department of the us gov. Women have been pushed into the role of duel wage slaves creating systems of brainwashing to condition the children of the duel working couples. Corporate utopia is on the way! The more energy we spend hating our women the more the system uses our hate against us. Men and women need to unite over and above the manipulations of the system and attack the true enemy of both men and women, the very system it self. Nothing wrong with hating I guess, that is if your hate is really directed at the enemy, and not another group of victims. I for one would not enjoy the prospect of a world without women, as equals with men across the board as citizens. Or a world without real equality. But we will never achieve our goals if we demonize the female just like the system did to the males. They are oppressing us downward, and using our anxiety to oppress us even further.

David A. DeLong

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It wasn't the government that usurped domestic abuse shelters and turned them into a means to demonize men. That was all feminism. Add to that the fact that the feminist movement largely revolves around the same ideals, Ideals being implemented in multiple countries around the world, IE differing governments, and this tells me not to dismiss, so quickly, the influence feminism has and instead, blame the government. After all I can't blame the US government's VAWA for Canada adopting a similarly sexist policy, or the UK's sexist equivalent.

And that's still not to say that a men's revolution won't be directed at the government. It doesn't have to be directed at women in order for them to not like it. Women, through feminist organization and politician's, have a lot of influence in government, and if a men's revolution changes that by changing government (and never even looking towards women for retribution), women still won't like that, in particular, feminist women.

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The "justice" department is an arm of our government. The abuse of the justice department was allowed politically to do as it pleased without any oversight. The actions of the justice department, and those entities under their control have had their own agenda for a long time. In order for it to have been successful it would have to have had cooperation from others within the government, and for it to be become so blatant in its' corruption its' actions must be condoned within said government. The intent of the actions and those actions that were carried out during the same time frame gives others a clear picture as to intent, and even to financiers. No your right, it will serve us better as a thinking people to blame the sacrifice intended for these subversive actions thereby doing exactly what the system wants you to do. Stay separated, stay divided, stay a slave. Welcome to the future! A world where the majority is on prescribed drugs, hedonism is the rule of the day, the family will be a foot note in history, and people will live to work and consume living nothing close to a natural life, and being subdued by chemicals to be a good drone. Not for me.

David A. DeLong

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