UK Times: Why getting hitched is the real hitch for women

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"For those who like to begin every new year with predictions of the end of civilisation as we know it, here’s a cracker: married women are officially in the minority for the first time."


"The change, without doubt, is on the part of women rather than attributable to any increased reluctance among men — as evidenced by yet more figures from the Office for National Statistics, showing that men who divorce are far more likely to give marriage another shot, while divorced women, once bitten, are twice shy of committing again."


Another selling point was protection: the wide-shouldered, steely-jawed, testosterone-fuelled barrier between a woman and harm’s way. Today, if we are to believe research from some women’s organisations, a quarter of wives will suffer at the hands of the protector himself.


And then, of course, there is the matter of money. Once, all manner of misfortune seemed a fair swap for the working man’s wages that would compensate in measures of warm roofs and full stomachs. Now, at one end of the financial scale, we have women forlornly chasing the price of a hot meal from the Child Support Agency — or whichever phoenix is next planned to rise from its discredited ashes — while slowly realising that if they had remained single and on state benefit in the first place, life would be greatly eased.

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men who divorce are far more likely to give marriage another shot, while divorced women, once bitten, are twice shy of committing again.

Actually, divorced women are very much to be avoided by single men. This contributes to the fact that the women do not re-marry - not because they don't want to, but because they are not seen as "as desirable" as women who have not done that yet.

oregon dad

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Wow, that's a really good and funny article from an inveterate feminist. I kept laughing all the way while reading it. Especially amusing is the last sentence:

    The scale of the exodus of young women from orthodox union, along with their reasons for it, are such that it will take an awful lot more than a tax break here or there to change their minds.


Though the fact that marriage is declining is hardly new, it still is quite reassuring. When men will be free of matrimonial fetters, there will be quite astonishing changes in society.

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By the way, while reading the article I clicked a Google Ad at the bottom of the page and got to a rather funny site: "Why Do Women Cheat?"

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This article is a hilarious flipside feminist version of the MRA's litany of why marriage is now a "no-way" proposition.

I've read that most divorced men get remarried within three years after a first divorce. Most of them "trade up" for a younger, sexier, but only slightly less toxic model. (And of course, 70% of second marriages end in divorce.)

I am heartened to learn that women are increasingly viewing marriage as bad for them.

Because I am 100% in favor of complete independence for women.

I especially want them to be independent from my wallet, my home, my business, my affection, and my consideration.

Through my total indifference to women, I have been proactively supporting their independence for years now.

It seems to be working. For me. And for them!

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This bimbo speaks as if she represents the majority of women, when, in fact, it's the minority that aspire to such lofty goals; foregoing marriage and/or children in chase of fortune and fame. Many, if not most, divorced, separated, or never married women (in the child baring age group) are single parents with a few rug-rats in tow. The only thing they aspire to is getting their next hand-out. As for the minority of women who might fit her profile, their biological clocks will catch up with them and they will panic once realizing they have not bore children, their ability to attract a mate has declined, and they only have three rotten eggs left.

The promises of the feminist movement, women self-actualizing and rising to positions of power and prestige in droves, I don't see it happening. What I do see is the breakdown of families, more single mothers on public assistance, more fatherless children lacking discipline, and an ever increasing population of chronically malcontent people (men, women, and children) walking through life like misguided souls. These, and a myriad of other negative consequences, have been the real product of the feminist movement. Unless, of course, you ask some sheltered piece-of-shit know-it-all Fem-Nazi sitting in an ivory tower; from her perspective, everything is wonderful! This moron is just another disillusioned nut-case if you ask me!

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