Commentary: 'Why I am not a feminist'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Of course, I now realize that the businesswoman who demanded the plane be held up for HER whim was merely epitomizing the essence of feminism: IT'S ALL ABOUT ME. It didn't matter how many other people on that plane missed their connections or were late for critical appointments. This woman got HER way, and that's all that counted.

It's the ME mentality of feminism that bugs me. As I see it, just about everything associated with feminism is meant to promote the agenda that it's all about women: their needs, their wants, their goals, their career ambitions, and everyone else be damned. Who cares how many are inconvenienced as long as her desires are met? Who cares about her husband's needs? Who gives a rip about the needs of her children?'

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Feminists believe society and men have obligations to women but that women have no obligations to society or men--or children. Women do what they want, men are expected to pay, children to adjust.

A visit to the NOW website lists a set of demands that would do a terrorist proud. Nowhere will you find any discussion of what women will give in return for what they demand. Women get, they do not give--that's the feminist ideal, life as the eternal infant.

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I like the article for the most part, except for one quote...

"But women know that children require care, and the best care is usually provided by mom. If you're going to have children, then you have the responsibility to raise them."

I see this kind of thing often, a belief that a woman must make substantial career scarifies for their children, contrary to feminist claims of having it all, from women who are finally seeing feminism for what it is. But I have a slight problem with how it is often perceived that it must be the woman who makes these sacrifices, and if she is unwilling, then her only option is remain childless. This very concept is a perpetuation of the gender roles of woman homemaker and man is provider, but it is a matter of choice, often the woman's own choice. When children enter a relationship, the parents do in fact need to make sacrifices, but what many women fail to realize when discussing this, is that it is often their choice to marry up, that results in them having the lower paying, therefore, more expendable job. it is financially prudent for the lower earner to make the career sacrifice.

The idea of a successful career woman finding a man who has strong parental attributes, rather then financial ones, a man who might be willing to be the homemaker, making the career sacrifices so that she may continue her professional aspirations, this never enters into their minds. Could it be because, for all the claimed efforts feminist make regarding breaking down gender roles, they never once suggested giving up some of the gender roles woman benefit from?

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I didn't care for that line myself in an otherwise good article.

I've concluded that feminist women simply want it all--the kids and the job. They do not want the obligations that go with the breadwinner role. Thus, gender role reversal will likely never happen to any large degree--either women will end up with most of the goodies, as in modern divorce, or we'll revert to more traditional roles.

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