Male Baby as Future Rapist Sparks Furor and More

Story here. Excerpt:

'Josh Jasper thought his television commercial, which depicts a baby as a future rapist, would teach viewers about violence prevention.

Instead, thanks to YouTube, the ad has triggered an international firestorm and death threats for the Dubuque man, who heads a nonprofit advocacy group for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.
The ad contrasts a smiling baby with the following script: “He’s tough. He’s strong. He’s aggressive. He’s powerful. He raped his girlfriend. But he wasn’t always this way. What are you teaching your son? …”

Jasper said the ad was intended to make a point that people are not born violent, but are conditioned to be that way. He said donations paid for the commercial, which has aired for nearly a year on televisions in northeast Iowa and parts of Illinois and Wisconsin.'

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No one ought to be making threats over even the most inflammatory anti-male messages... it only makes our opponents say "See, there they go again!" Once a person has decided "men are violent/bad/etc.", they can't change their own mind unless they are willing to do so-- ie, to see violent men as the exception, not the rule. Indeed it is men who have written all the laws we have today prohibiting violence. Are these the acts of violent creatures? Violence among men and by men is the exception, not the rule, as it is so with women as well.

In any case, threats are bad. Name-calling: maybe some people earn some kind of name, indeed. Not palatable but sometimes earned. But no one deserves death threats.

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How about the future rapist that will make a false allegation of rape?
This is usually a trait of the female characteristic.

As we all should know by now a false accusation of rape is a damned rape!

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A black man is significantly more likely to commit rape than a white man. I wonder what the response would have been if the baby was black?

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> "A black man is significantly more likely to commit rape than a white man."

I am hoping you meant to say that a black man is significantly more likely to be *accused* of rape than a white man.

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I am hoping you meant to say that a black man is significantly more likely to be *accused* of rape than a white man.

Good point. Statistics are often based on arrest reports, and a black man is significantly more likely to be *arrested* for rape than a white man. But my point stands. I wonder what the response would be if the baby was black.

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>>How about the future rapist that will make a false allegation of rape?
This is usually a trait of the female characteristic.

Someone put together a little spoof you might enjoy.

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That pretty sick to look at a baby and see a potential almost waiting to be rapist. Its especially bullshit after you claim nearly all men aren't rapists, which is just political talk from Josh. Masculinity does not need to be redefined. Seriously its just screwed up to project paranoia of raising a rapist on a baby boy. If rapists were actually raised by environment then the kid is going to have a lot of other problems. That would probably mean the kid was badly abused.

So instead of saying telling parents don't horribly abuse your boys and try to raise them like every other decent American boy, Josh says don't raise a rapist... nope, lets not prevent the huge numbers of abuses and victimized boys, lets worry only about those babies who may be abused and the very few of those who may turn into a rapist.

Another fundamental problem I have is why are violent men only a problem when it comes to women. What about all the men they hurt. If men aren't victims then you may have just found the problem in our culture that feeds the violence.

On a similar note, rape is bad, but I don't see why its treated as second only to murder.

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